ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

《教学与研究》 ›› 1997, Vol. ›› Issue (10): 25-30.DOI:

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孔祥智, 程漱兰   

  1. 中国人民大学农业经济系 100872
  • 出版日期:1997-10-20 发布日期:2012-03-05

Changes in China’s Rural Economic System with Economic Analysis of Its Attainment and Efficiency

  • Online:1997-10-20 Published:2012-03-05

摘要: 本文认为:中国农村经济体制变迁的内在原因是传统的“倾斜战略”所导致的农业劳动效率的极度低下以及农业和农村经济的普遍性危机;从1978~1996年中国农村经济体制变迁的历史进程来看,对主要农产品实行“双轨制”的改革,没有取得预期效果;“倾斜战略”所导致的“城市偏向”心态惯性,造成了农户收入增长和粮食供给增长之间的矛盾,在很大程度上决定了我国粮食生产和供给的不正常波动及总体偏紧特征,对各类型地区农户的经济行为均会产生不良影响;我国农村经济的进一步改革,必须以主要农产品的低价强制性收购制度为突破口。

Abstract: The inner motive for changes in china’s rural economic system lies in its extremely backward productivity and wide spread crises in agricultural economy resulting from the traditional “favor strategy”.The course of changes in china's rural economic system from 1978 to 1996 proved that the practice of “double-track pricing system” failed to reach the int ended goal.The “city-biased” inertia caused by “favor strategy” led to contradictions between an increase of peasants’ income and an increase of grain supply,which in turn,to a certain extent,led to irregulas rise and fall in production and supply of grain,in addition to grain shortage in general.All this will leave unfavorable impact on economic behavior of peasants in various economic regions.A breakt hrough for further rural reform in china,the author concludes,should be imposing low-price purchase of major agricultural products.