ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    16 May 2015, Volume 49 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Transformation of Chinese Agriculture under the New Economic Normal
    ZHONG Zhen,KONG Xiang-Zhi
    2015, 49 (5):  5-13.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1662 )   PDF (2085KB) ( 1436 )  
    Since the beginning of the new century, China has issued a series of preferential agricultural policy and the country s agricultural development has made great achievements. But with China s economy stepping into the new normal, agriculture is facing such challenges as “lack of grain in harvest year”,  the upside down of domestic and foreign prices hard to reverse, volatility risks and structural contradictions becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, the main agricultural policies such as rural basic management system, agricultural price, financial support for agriculture, agricultural science and technology, rural financial policies need to upgrade as soon as possible. When “the new normal in agriculture” has not yet fully formed, Chinese agriculture should accelerate the pace of “the transfer of mode, the adjustment of structure”,  and take the initiative to adapt to the new economic normal.
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     Impact of Low Carbon Development on China s Energy Price Reform
    LUO Lai-Jun-1,ZHU Shan-Li-2,FU Shuai-Xiong-2,ZANG Yuan-Feng-2
    2015, 49 (5):  14-23.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1353 )   PDF (2021KB) ( 1390 )  
    The development of low carbon is inevitably involved with the adjustment and changes of the price system. To promote low carbon development in China, it is a crucial problem to adjust the structure of energy consumption and improve the efficiency of energy use. The reform of the energy price is  undoubtedly the starting point to achieve this mission. On the one hand, energy prices are linked with the production and supply of energy, on the other hand it is connected with the demand and consumption of energy. The reform of the energy price provides the important material base and power system for the national economic development.
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    Construction of Bilateral Cooperation Mechanism between Big Powers in New Period
    ——Taking SinoUS Relations as an Example
    LIU Chang-Min
    2015, 49 (5):  24-33.  DOI:
    Abstract ( 1438 )   PDF (2054KB) ( )  
    Since the starting of the new era, the construction of the bilateral relation mechanism between big powers has speed up. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, SinoUS relations have witnessed decades of adjustment and development and ushered in the process towards mechanism. China and the United States have formed more than 90 dialogue and cooperation mechanisms covering many areas. From the coverage scope, it covers a wide range of areas and topics; from the structure, it has built multidimensional dialogue and cooperation mechanism from folk to highlevel. At the same time, there are also defect such as uneven development in various cooperation in SinoUS relations. In the  comprehensive construction of the new SinoUS relations today, the analysis and overall evaluation on the SinoUS dialogue and cooperation mechanism will benefit the healthy development of the construction of a new type of major country relationship.  
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    Analysis of the Micro Social Interaction of Chinese Foreign Policy Transformation
    YIN Ji-Wu
    2015, 49 (5):  34-43.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (2080KB) ( )  
    The transformation of social identity has become non material motivation in the transition and change of Chinese diplomacy. When China faces the international community, how to show a positive state of self, impression management and identification performance is the micro social interactive content in Chinese diplomatic transition. In the process of impression management and identification performance in its diplomacy, China needs the unity between words and behavior and the consistency between government and the society. The frustration of power, status and value produce Chinas emotional responses. Study on the micro social interaction between China and the international community, is of inspiring significance for Chinese public diplomacy and international image management.
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    Cause and Impact of Chinese Diplomatic Transition in New Period
    ——The Interpretation of Dialectics of Nature Manuscript
    GAO Xiao-Sheng
    2015, 49 (5):  44-52.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1851KB) ( )  
    China s diplomacy in the new era has not only reflected the features of more active and full range, but also emphasized the peripheral diplomacy and multilateral diplomacy, as well as paying more attention to the toplevel design and overall planning. The abovementioned transformation of China s diplomacy is closely related to the factors such as changes of international environment, China s national strength, national interests and identity, as well as the changes of Chinese leadership style and Chinese society. The transformation of China s diplomacy in the new era has produced significant and farreaching impact on China and the world as a whole.
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    Further Analysis of Economic Imbalances from Perspective of
    Global Value Chains
    BAI Yu-Fei-1 ,SUN Jun-Xin-1 ,CHEN Jian-2
    2015, 49 (5):  53-61.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1804KB) ( )  
     Based on the review of the influenced factors resulting in the global economic imbalance, the paper proposed that the division of the value chain constitutes the decisive factor which caused this round of large scale and longlasting economic imbalance. The mechanism of  the global value chain impacting on the economic imbalance include: the adjustment of industrial structure, the internal demand of transformation of trade statistics to value added accounting. The rebalancing policy adopted by different countries after the financial crisis has eased the scale of the imbalance. But the fundamental factors causing the imbalance remains unchanged. The global economic imbalance will continue to increase in the future.  
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    Triple Features of the Contemporary Ideology Existing
    SHEN Jiang-Ping
    2015, 49 (5):  62-69.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1814KB) ( )  
    Traditional understanding ideology may be grappling with more scientific and false, in fact, the development of the reality force us to use a more open field of vision to consider. Economic development promotes ideas constantly adjust and update. The convergence of policies and measures under the differences system does not mean ideology convergence of superstructure as a characterization of the notion of economic basis, more does not mean the digestion of ideology struggle. From the grand narrative to daily life, and the extension of the ideology to the whole process of social life including class horizon, reveal the rule, confrontation and even for a dynamic relationship between superstructure and social individual. Of course, daytoday work, micro shift is extending and deepening of the role of ideology not breaking with the past.
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    On the Limits and Realizing Path of Marxs Theory of Highstage Justice
    JIANG Zhi-Hong,HUANG Qi-Hong
    2015, 49 (5):  70-76.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1446KB) ( )  
    Marx s highstage justice theory, thinks that the communist society will make justice become a kind of unnecessary outdated and limited phenomenon, a kind of ideal, which can t get attention, because the Communist society is a society of super justice. There are many practical realizing paths from the just society to the society of super justice. However, Marx s thought about this question has it s limit. Because of this, Marx also proposed a kind of theory about lowstage justice as the supplement of the theory of highstage justice. Thinking about the relationship of them is the breakthrough to promote the research of Marx s theory of justice.  
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     On Transformation and Reconstruction of Marx s Concept of Justice ——Based on the New Theoretical System of Marxist Philosophy Built
    on the Principle of “Practical Thinking Mode”
    YANG Hong-Wei
    2015, 49 (5):  77-83.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1347KB) ( )  
    Marx s concept of justice experienced a process of transformation and reconstruction. Through the criticizing of capitalist society, Marx changed his concept of justice from the legal justice to the economic justice. He also deconstructed the traditional liberal concept of justice and reconstructed the scientific concept of justice from the dimensions of economic base, the path of realization and the goal of value. Marx held that the economic justice is essential content of social justice, economic growth is the basic premise to realize justice, distributive justice is the fundamental path to the realization of justice, the free and comprehensive development of human beings is the highest goal of justice.
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    New Explanation of Relationship between Social Value of Ideological and
    Political Education and Individual Value
    LI He-Liang
    2015, 49 (5):  84-90.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1342KB) ( )  
    In a variety of possible forms, the basic characteristics and essence of the relations between the social value and the individual value can utmost embody the value of ideological and political education. The relations between the social value and individual value in ideological and political education are closely connected and intertwined, and both are each others  tool and purpose. The individual value of ideological and political education is the foundation, as well as the main component of social value. The social value, including the personal values, is the extension and guarantee of individual value. The realization of social value should be based on the full realization of the individual value, while the realization of personal value must maintain the social value as the premise and must be in accordance with the social value.
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     New Media: Opportunity, Challenge and Responsibility
    of Socialist Core Values
    GAO Li-Jing
    2015, 49 (5):  98-104.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1631KB) ( )  
    This article focuses on socialist core values in the horizon of new media. On one hand, the development of new media technology not only provides a new platform for the construction and transmission of socialist core values, but also provides advantages for the abundance and development of mainstream ideology and socialist core values. On the other hand, the openness, virtuality, and interactivity bring a new polyphyletic and complicated situation for new media surroundings, thus bring influence on socialist core values. New media should take its responsibility for the good of socialist core values.
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    Research on Marcuses Criticism and Transcendence of
    the Ideology of Developed Capitalist Society
    KUAI Zheng-Ming
    2015, 49 (5):  105-112.  DOI:
    Abstract ( )   PDF (1736KB) ( )  
    Marcuse had criticized profoundly the phenomenon,that is,“the material is rich but the spirit pains” which occurred in developed capitalist society. His criticism is around and expanded from the central idea of the ideologization of capitalist technical rationality. Based on the explanation of the ideologization of science and technology rationality,and the analysis of the illusive needs and additional depression, Marcuse had deeply revealed the abnormal state of capitalist society. However, his theory also has shortcomings obviously and his “prescription” for the capitalism can not cure the“sick”of modern capitalism.
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