ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Social Criticism from the Perspective of Biopolitics: The Biopolitical Conception in Marcuse's Critical Theory
    Ouyang Qian , Xu Jiyuan
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (3): 123-130.  
    Abstract341)      PDF (5917KB)(159)       Save
    Among contemporary Western critical theories of society, the critical theory developed by the Frankfurt School is unique because of its distinct political standpoint. As one of the most prominent members of the Frankfurt School, Marcuse produces his version of critical theory of society that outlines an alternative plan for radical social change under the guidance of his biopolitical conception. Combining the perspectives of Marxism, existentialism, Freudianism, the New Left and others alike, and referring to the experience of contemporary Western new social movements, Marcuse discusses the dialectics of liberation that the society transitions from repressive civilization to nonrepressive civilization. He regards biopolitics as the politicization of erotic energies and the resistance initiated by individual bodies and minds, and labels it “firstperson politics”. From this firstperson biopolitical perspective, Marcuse puts forward a theory of human liberation that is different from the classic Marxist theory, and thus to a certain extent, has influenced the New Left's theory of social change today. 

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    Foucault's Theory of Power and Governanment
    Hu Yaohui, Ouyang Qian
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (3): 96-104.  
    Abstract3198)      PDF (6823KB)(692)       Save
    Power has always been the focus of contemporary political thought. Foucault's power theory is a new exploration of traditional power theory. By regarding power as the relationship of power, Foucault's power theory not only makes up for the defect that traditional power theory equates power with domination, but also analyzes the macro mechanism of the state and local micro practice at the same time. Therefore, Foucault's power theory has become a supplement to Marx's view of power. At the same time, Foucault's power theory also puts forward a new type of freedom practice theory of freedom within power. This paper explains Foucault's basic theoretical hypothesis of power, recognizes the breakthrough of his power theory to modern power theory, and points out the enlightening significance of his theory to modern political theory.
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    Marcuses Sensibility Philosophy and Its Liberation Logic
    Ouyang Qian,Jia Liyan
    Teaching and Research   
    Historical Materialism and Contemporary Cultural Issues
    Ouyang Qian
    Teaching and Research   
    Theoretical Construction of Cultural Materialism and Its Significance
    OUYANG Qian
    Teaching and Research    2010, (12): 72-79.  
    Abstract1410)      PDF (2855KB)(1909)       Save
    In the modern setting of social development the fundamental function of culture is becoming prominent.At the time of mass consumption,culture penetrates into economic and political activities of the society.Then,how should culture be properly defined? How to understand the complicated relation between culture and society? How to tackle the dynamic function of culture in social reforms? How to interpret the practical significance of mass culture and political practice? All these questions present important theoretical issues that await Marxist theorists who are concerned with the reality of social reforms.Thus,the exploration into construction and perfection of Marxist theory of culture points to the basic direction in the development of Marxism in the modern era.This paper aims at analyzing "cultural materialism" proposed by Raymond Williams,a British leftist theorist,and discussing its theoretical construction and significance.The author holds that not only is cultural materialism a response to the practical issues in social development of the modern time,but it has also profoundly expanded Marxist theory of culture to a certain extent.
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    Marxists and "Cultural Studies"
    OUYANG Qian
    Teaching and Research    2009, (12): 67-74.  
    Abstract1121)      PDF (2313KB)(1617)       Save
    Considering the changes in the British society and the situation of the working class after World War II,the new left-wing theorists in Great Britain explored the "working class culture",the "mass culture",the "sub-culture of the youth",the "consumer culture" and social problems concerning class,race,and gender.They proposed a series of new concepts such as "cultural practice","cultural production",and "cultural politics" in discussing the structural,multi-dimensional,overlapping,,contradictory and complex characteristics of historical development.The reason for them to devote great efforts to cultural studies was to overcome the problem of "economic determinism" in order to establish a type of generalized "cultural Marxism".Through the cross-disciplinary "cultural studies" they intended to set up a theoretical paradigm of "cultural historical materialism" to link Marxist theories with practice.This article attempts to analyze the theories and basic ideas of the "cultural studies" and present a review of "cultural Marxism" as well.
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    On Philosophy in Contemporary France and "the New Enlightenment Movement"
    OUYANG Qian
    Teaching and Research    2007, (12): 59-65.  
    Abstract1016)      PDF (2344KB)(1670)       Save
    A wave of New Enlightenment Movement has arisen among the academics in France.It advocates de-subjectivity and decentralization to condemn modern philosophical ideas of rational supremacy and human-centeredness.It proposes a multi-cultural conception that treasures social justice.What the French philosophers have long been in pursuit of from structuralism to post-structuralism,and then from deconstructionism to post-modernism,has been enlightenment of enlightenment aimed at reflection and criticism of the modernist principles introduced since the enlightenment movement.The focuses of discussion include such topics as end of philosophy,demise of subjectivity,criticism of modernity,ethics of others,and body politics.The cultural reflection and the theoretical controversies advocated in this are of important academic and ideological significance.
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    Existentialism and Marxism—— On Sartre’s Theoretical Integration
    OUYANG Qian
    Teaching and Research    2006, (1): 72-79.  
    Abstract1390)      PDF (2131KB)(1775)       Save
    Sartre’s attempt of integration between Marxism and existentialism leaves to us precious ideological resources.In order to discover "the truth about man",existentialism emphasizes the consciousness while Marxism emphasizes historical practice.The former is supported by ontology in phenomenology while the latter is based on evidence from material dialectics.As a result,the former discovered "absolute liberty" of individuals,while the latter discovered the class oppression in the society.Sartre introduced the concepts of "individual practice","practico-inert","scarcity","holistic" with the intention to establish an active and historical framework.Nevertheless, deep in his thought he stuck to phenomenology and existentialism.Consequently his thought was not stable marked by hesitations over ambiguous ideas.
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    The Man Who Keeps Watch at Night for Marxism:L. Althusser’s Interpretation
    OUYANG Qian
    Teaching and Research    2005, (1): 6-12.  
    Abstract1280)      PDF (2728KB)(1673)       Save
    Althusser,a man who willing“kept watch at night”for Marxism,went out of his wayto re-interpret Marxist theories with the intention of drawing a clear cut-off line between Marxismand non-Marxism,and to sticking to the scientific characteristics of Marxism.“Return to Marx”,as he put it,or rather,“return to Marx in his mature years”,is the logical guideline for his theo-retical interpretation.The author holds that Althusser’s theoretical interpretation is heavily influencedby such fashion as structuralism and psychoanalysis.Therefore,in his new interpretation Marx uncon-sciously became a structuralist who appeared to be theoretically anti-humanism.With Althusser’s newmethod and concept,Marx is taking on a new look.The author points out that this is a preciousfresh idea in the studies of Marx,and has shed light on development of Marxism.
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    The Epistemology Turn of Postmodernism
    Ouyang Qian
    Teaching and Research    1996, (3): 70-75,80.  
    Abstract1072)      PDF (2514KB)(1538)       Save
    It is an essential character of postmodernism that it discloses the deep crisis ofmodernism from the epistemological dimension, and puts forth the postmodernism epistemology. Lyotard’s postmodern epistemology exhibits clearly the epistemological turnof postmodernism. Having explained the condition of knowledge and its functionalchange in postmodern society, he critizes the principle of unity as the kernel of modernism, and establishes the principle of diversity as the kernel of postmodernism. Fromhis logic we can find how postmodernism answers the cultural crisis of contemporarysociety.
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    The Rise of Postmodern Thoughts
    Ouyang Qian
    Teaching and Research    1996, (1): 53-58,81.  
    Abstract980)      PDF (2565KB)(1511)       Save
    The Postmodern Thoughts came into being with the discussions on problems of the modern society,pushing the anti-tradition spirit of modernism to an extreme. The cultural theories and philosophical ideas of postmodernism reject and dissect every aspect of existing ideas. While facing transformation of the modern science and technology and that of the society and the culture,postmodernists try to re-interpret the world. But their interpretation is one-sided.
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