ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Premise Reflection on the Dilemma of Global Governance and the Conscious of Interactive Subjectivity of Community of Human Destiny
    Liu Xingsheng
    Teaching and Research    2020, 54 (12): 90-97.  
    Abstract448)      PDF (6074KB)(177)       Save
    The world's universal communication is the ladder leading to the stage of free and allround development, while the dilemma of global governance makes this ladder appear “loose” and “cracks”. The latter is actually the macro representation of the dilemma of modernity. To solve it, we need to analyze the deep “nidus”  of the dilemma of modernity. From the perspective of philosophical reflection, the entity subjectivity is the major ideological root of the dilemma of modernity. It is the practical operation of this ideological principle in the field of international communication that leads to the dilemma of global governance. The interactive subjectivity based on the nature of human social existence is a reasonable way of thinking to sublate and replace the entity subjectivity. Its establishment will effectively eliminate the disadvantages brought about by the entity subjectivity. In this regard, Marxist philosophy gives profound enlightenment from the perspective of existentialism. As the contemporary embodiment of the selfconsciousness of interactive subjectivity, the community of human destiny has surpassed the unipolar, homogeneous and closed entity subjectivity with the emphasis on diversity, difference and openness. With the construction of the community of human destiny, profound conceptual changes will take place in the field of global governance, thus promoting the breakthrough of the dilemma of global governance. From the perspective of the change of thinking mode, it will further demonstrate the great significance of Chinas plan of global governance.
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    On the Marxist Implication of the New Paradigm of Western Development Theories
    LIU Xin-gang, WU Zhuo
    Teaching and Research    2010, (4): 43-50.  
    Abstract1166)      PDF (2412KB)(1658)       Save
    The problem of imbalance in growth of wealth and development of man prompted studies in practical development theories.A case in point is the new paradigm of development theories proposed by western scholars like Francois Peru,Amartya Sen and Paul Schafer against the traditional development theories from the perspective of man-culture-value,which has won worldwide acknowledgement.Upon further analysis the authors found that while this new paradigm showed obvious implications of Marxism it failed to be rid of the development dilemma of modern society,namely,separation of the rational dimension and the value dimension caused by the logic of the capital because of its Abstract concepts on the nature of man and society.Under the contemporary circumstances of development,it is of important theoretical and practical value for China as a developing country to respond to the new western development paradigm in the light of Marxism and fully understand its advantages and defects.
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    An Analysis of Unemployment under Circumstances of Economic Decrease: Scale,Characters,and Measures against
    DING Shou-hai, LIU Xin
    Teaching and Research    2009, (1): 21-28.  
    Abstract1064)      PDF (1543KB)(1710)       Save
    The paper starts with an estimation of employment flexibility in industries other than agriculture in China.The data reveal that due to the distribution of employment flexibility,the current economic decrease will strike the second industry in the east and the third industry in the mid-west for two rounds.The year 2009 will witness a severe employment situation even worse than the unemployment crisis in 1998.This round of unemployment is the first wave of unemployment facilitated by the market with the following new characters.Unemployment has moved from within the system to units that are outside the system,even informal ones,with wider spread,more intensified among the lower classes,and bringing harder destruction to people’s life.Worse still,the government capacity to maintain control is also largely weakened.This situation requires that the government initiate new measures in coping with the problem of unemployment,such as making use of the functions of positive financial policies.The paper also raises suggestions for policy-making accordingly.
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    On Strategic Functional Transformation of Personnel Management in the Chinese Government
    LIU Xin
    Teaching and Research    2007, (2): 25-31.  
    Abstract1231)      PDF (863KB)(1703)       Save
    With the dramatic changes at home and abroad, the function of personnel management of the Chinese government does not seem to live up to the requirement of the reform in government administrative system. The traditional personnel system lacks the capacity to relate to organizational strategy, nor is it flexible or systematic enough to secure satisfactory government performance. Hence, it is imperative that the Chinese government undergo a functional transformation of personnel management, so as to successfully transform from a regulation-oriented government to a service-oriented government, and realize our goal of constructing a harmonious society.
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    On Future Dimension of Existence in Marxist Philosophy
    LIU Xing-zhang
    Teaching and Research    2001, (2): 12-18.  
    Abstract1192)      PDF (1483KB)(1770)       Save
    Understanding future dimension of existence in Marxist philosophy is an unavoidable step in understanding modernity of Marxism. Retrospection on history of Marxist philosophy reveals that after complecting the change of traditional philosophical themes, Marx focused his study on construction of a philosophic model which centered on the “human world”, with “practice”as the noumenon. The author points out that this philosophy of existence not only fundamentally changed the traditional knowledge idealogy philosophy, but also opened up possibilities for the dialogue between Marxist philosophy and modern philosophy, including post modern philosophy.
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