ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2020, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (12): 90-97.

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Premise Reflection on the Dilemma of Global Governance and the Conscious of Interactive Subjectivity of Community of Human Destiny


  1. School of Marxism, Jilin University, Changchun,Jilin 130012, China
  • Online:2020-12-16 Published:2020-12-10



  1. 吉林大学马克思主义学院
  • 作者简介:刘兴盛,吉林大学马克思主义学院师资博士后(吉林 长春 130012)。
  • 基金资助:
    本文系教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“现代性困境视野下马克思社会关系思想与人类命运共同体研究”(项目号:20YJC710036)、吉林省社会科学基金项目“马克思‘社会关系’概念当代哲学视域与现代性困境的超越”(项目号: 2019C12)的阶段性成果。

Abstract: The world's universal communication is the ladder leading to the stage of free and allround development, while the dilemma of global governance makes this ladder appear “loose” and “cracks”. The latter is actually the macro representation of the dilemma of modernity. To solve it, we need to analyze the deep “nidus”  of the dilemma of modernity. From the perspective of philosophical reflection, the entity subjectivity is the major ideological root of the dilemma of modernity. It is the practical operation of this ideological principle in the field of international communication that leads to the dilemma of global governance. The interactive subjectivity based on the nature of human social existence is a reasonable way of thinking to sublate and replace the entity subjectivity. Its establishment will effectively eliminate the disadvantages brought about by the entity subjectivity. In this regard, Marxist philosophy gives profound enlightenment from the perspective of existentialism. As the contemporary embodiment of the selfconsciousness of interactive subjectivity, the community of human destiny has surpassed the unipolar, homogeneous and closed entity subjectivity with the emphasis on diversity, difference and openness. With the construction of the community of human destiny, profound conceptual changes will take place in the field of global governance, thus promoting the breakthrough of the dilemma of global governance. From the perspective of the change of thinking mode, it will further demonstrate the great significance of Chinas plan of global governance.

摘要: 世界普遍交往是人类通往自由全面发展阶段的阶梯,而全球治理困局则使这一阶梯出现了“松动”和“裂隙”,后者实际上是现代性困境的宏观表象,对其破解需要剖析现代性困境的深层“病灶”。从哲学反思的视角看,实体化的主体性是催生现代性困境的重大思想根源,正是这一思想原则在国际交往领域的现实运作导致全球治理陷入困局。以人的社会存在本性为立足点的交互主体性是扬弃和替代实体主体性的合理思维方式,其确立将有效消解实体主体性带来的弊端,在此方面,马克思主义哲学从生存论角度给予了深刻启示。作为交互主体性自觉的当代体现,人类命运共同体以对多样、差异和开放的强调超越了实体主体性的单极、同质和封闭,随着人类命运共同体的构建,全球治理领域将发生深刻的观念变革,由此促进全球治理困局的突破。从思维方式变革的角度深入阐发人类命运共同体,将进一步彰显这一全球治理的中国方案的重大意义。