ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2023, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (9): 103-112.

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The Idea of Ideological and Political Education in Preface to Critique of Political Economy


  1. School of Marxism, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Online:2023-09-16 Published:2023-09-13



  1. 北京大学马克思主义学院
  • 作者简介:钟启东,北京大学马克思主义学院助理教授(北京 100871)。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In Preface to the Critique of Political Economy in 1859, Marx concisely recalled the academic process through which he began to study political economy in order to solve the “material interests problem”, and sought to establish a new world outlook, outlined the main principles of the materialist concept of history, and indirectly put forward the basic laws that human beings generally follow in spiritual life after entering class society, especially in the ideological field. The Preface contains the solutions to such questions as “the question of anguish” (the connotation of beliefs), “the material life determines the spiritual life” (the root of the society), and “men become conscious of this conflict and fight it out” (the essence of the function), which made this masterpiece of political economy and philosophical classic known for its “insight and precision”, and also an important document of Marxist ideological and political education.

Key words: Marx, historical materialism, ideology, ideological and political education, beliefs 

摘要: 在1859年《〈政治经济学批判〉序言》中,马克思简明扼要地回忆了自己为破解“物质利益难题”而开始研究政治经济学,寻求并最终确立新世界观的学术经过,凝练概述了唯物史观主要原理,间接提出了人类进入阶级社会后在精神生活特别是意识形态领域普遍遵循的基本规律,蕴涵着解决“苦恼的疑问”(信仰内涵)“物质生活制约着精神生活”(社会根源)“意识到并力求克服现存冲突”(功能本质)等思想政治教育理念,使这篇以“洞见性和精确性”著称于世的政治经济学名作和哲学经典,同时也成为了重要的马克思主义思想政治教育文献。

关键词: 马克思, 唯物史观, 意识形态, 思想政治教育, 信仰