ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2006, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 57-63.DOI:

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China’s Strategic Culture:A Research Program

MEN Hong-hua   

  1. Institute of International Strategic Studies, Central Party School, Beijing 100091, China
  • Received:2005-09-10 Online:2006-01-20 Published:2012-03-05



  1. 中共中央党校, 国际战略研究所, 北京, 100091

Abstract: In interpreting China’s strategic culture,Chinese and Western Scholars have different and somehow contracting views.In Chinese views,"Ren"(Benevolence),"Li"(Rites),"De"(Virtues),"He"(Harmony) are the foundations of China’s strategic culture,realism,morality and anti-war principle are its ideological foundations.A great transformation took place in the mid-19th Century,and China’s strategic culture undertook a great change accordingly.Since then,a trend of conflicting culture began to take shape,and martial spirit became a main characteristic of China’s strategic culture.Since 1978,China began to cast aside the out-dated strategic judgments such as the strategic framework of war and revolution,and accepted a new framework of peace and development.In conclusion,how to construct a mature framework of cooperative strategic culture based on realism and moral principle is a key precondition of China’s grand strategy.

Key words: China, strategic culture, transformation, research program

摘要: 中西方学者对中国战略文化的解读体现出深刻的不同。作者在对比分析之后指出,中国战略文化建立在“仁”、“礼”、“德”、“和”等传统基础观念之上,道德主义、非战思想与现实主义一道构成了中国战略文化的思想基础。19世纪中期之后,中国战略文化发生了巨大变化,进一步强调了重力、尚武。十一届三中全会以来,中国毅然改变了过时的战略判断,将其战略思维从战争与革命的框架之中解放出来,纳入到和平与发展的新轨道之上。作者总结指出,在当前的国际、国内情势之下,如何在道德主义与现实主义之间构建成熟的合作型战略文化堪称构建中国大战略的核心前提。

关键词: 中国, 战略文化, 嬗变, 研究议程

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