ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2006, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 49-56.DOI:

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China’s Self-identity Construction as a Responsible Power in the Post-cold War Era

Li Bao-jun, Xu Zheng-yuan   

  1. School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2005-10-20 Online:2006-01-20 Published:2012-03-05


李宝俊, 徐正源   

  1. 中国人民大学, 国际关系学院, 北京, 100872

Abstract: Since the 1990s,with the rapid rise of China’s power,China began to construct its own identity as a responsible power in response to the widespread"Chian threat" theory.The self-identity construction is embodied in the level of ideas,such as the promotion of "new security concept" and "cultural diversification",and in the level of diplomatic practice,namely toward the big powers,developing countries and the multilateral international regimes.China’s self-identity construction has won praise worldwide,especially from the neighbors.Meanwhile,however,it also needs to be noticed that the difference in the perception of power and responsibility between China and other counties still exists and China’s identity construction faces a variety of external dilemma and internal constraints.

Key words: power, responsibility, responsible power

摘要: 自上世纪90年代中期开始,鉴于中国国家实力的迅速崛起,作为对中国威胁论的回击,中国适时开始了负责任大国身份的建构,具体表现为提出新安全观、文明多样性等一系列新外交理念和开展对大国、发展中国家以及多边国际机制的外交实践。中国的身份建构获得了国际社会中很多国家、尤其是周边一些国家的赞同和认可。但我们同时也要看到,中国与一些国家在大国权力、大国责任,以及负责任大国的评价标准上尚存在一定的认知差异,中国负责任大国身份的建构还面临着诸多的外在两难和内在紧张。

关键词: 权力, 责任, 负责任大国

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