ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2004, Vol. ›› Issue (8): 53-58.DOI:

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On the 1975 Rectification and Deng Xiaoping’s Meditation on Socialism

ZHANG Hua   

  1. Department Ⅱ, Research Office of Party History, Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, Beijing 100080, China
  • Received:2004-06-22 Online:2004-08-20 Published:2012-03-05



  1. 中共中央党史研究室, 第二研究部, 北京, 100080

Abstract: This article analyzes the rectification charged by Deng Xiaoping in 1975 through the i-deas he raised and measures he took that year, which were the results of Deng Xiaoping’s reflection over the "great cultural revolution". From that reflection he acknowledged the right approach to socialism the Party had adopted and the new approach he was to adopt against the international situation. These ideas and measures show Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts about socialism well before the "great cultural revolution" was over. His thought has inserted important influence on history later on.

Key words: Deng Xiaoping, the 1957 rectification, socialism, reflection

摘要: 1975年,在邓小平波澜壮阔的一生中是个重要的年份。本文主要研究了1975年邓小平主持的全面整顿,通过邓小平在这一年提出的意见和采取的措施,说明邓小平从对“文化大革命”实践的反思中,在把握国际局势的基础上,肯定了党探索社会主义道路的正确做法,同时开始酝酿新的建设思路。这些意见和措施实质上表达了邓小平在“文化大革命”还未结束时关于社会主义的一些思考,对后来的历史发展具有重要影响。

关键词: 邓小平, 1975年整顿, 社会主义, 思考

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