ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2024, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (7): 6-18.

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The Thought, System, and Strategy: Understanding the Innovation of the Holistic Approach to National Security from Three Dimensions


  1. School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Online:2024-07-16 Published:2024-07-18



  1. 中国人民大学国际关系学院
  • 作者简介:黄大慧,中国人民大学国际关系学院教授、中国人民大学国家安全交叉学科平台首席专家(北京 100872)。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The national security thought, system and strategy in the new era are interconnected and complementary, which are three important dimensions for understanding the innovation of the holistic approach to national security. The first innovation of the holistic approach to national security lies in the innovation of thought, which leads the transformation of the national security thinking mode with the integrated logic of systematic coordination, focusing on the overall goal of “ten principles to adhere to”, discerning the complex internal and external environment and practice with the overall security benefits as the standard, and promoting all parties and the whole society to participate in maintaining national security. Secondly, the pioneering ideological innovation leads the innovation of formal and informal security systems. In the past ten years, China has established a national security system that takes into account both internal and external factors and integrates multiple functions, as well as a centralized, unified, efficient mechanism with “the Partys leadership over the security sector”, and has embarked on a path of national security with Chinese characteristics featured by the “five principles to adhere to”. Finally, innovation in the thought and system jointly promote the innovative coordination of Chinas “grand strategy”, for which we strive to pursue development and safeguard security, build a new development pattern, enhance the security and stability of economic development, and form new quality productive forces. It is necessary to safeguard Chinas new development pattern with a new security architecture and achieve virtuous interaction between highquality development and highlevel security.

Key words: the holistic approach to national security, the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, pursue development and safeguard security

摘要: 新时代的国家安全思想、制度和战略相互联系,相辅相成,是理解总体国家安全观创新性的三个重要维度。总体国家安全观的首要创新性在于思想创新,以系统统筹的整合逻辑引领着国家安全思维方式的转变,围绕“十个坚持”的总体目标,以整体安全效益为标准把握复杂的内外安全环境和实践,推动各方面、全社会参与维护国家安全。其次,先导性的思想创新引领着正式和非正式的安全制度创新,中国在十年间构建起内外统筹兼顾、多元功能一体的国家安全体系,以及集中统一、高效权威的“党管安全”归口领导机制,走出了一条以“五个坚持”为重要特征的中国特色国家安全道路。最后,思想和制度创新共同推动着国家“大战略”的创新协同,统筹发展和安全,构建新发展格局,增强经济发展的安全稳定性,形成新质生产力;以新安全格局保障新发展格局,实现高质量发展和高水平安全的良性互动。

关键词: 总体国家安全观, 中国特色国家安全道路, 统筹发展和安全