ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2024, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 117-130.

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On the Problem Logic and Contemporary Value of the Critical Theory of “Transitional Capitalism”: From the Perspective of “Political Marxism”


  1. School of Marxism, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei 430223, China
  • Online:2024-06-16 Published:2024-06-14



  1. 中南财经政法大学马克思主义学院
  • 作者简介:冯旺舟,武昌理工学院马克思主义学院特聘教授、中南财经政法大学马克思主义学院教授(湖北 武汉 430223) 。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: “Political Marxism” is an important school of contemporary foreign Marxism, which has an important influence in the academic circles of contemporary British and American Marxist studies and forms three generations of academic communities. Focusing on concepts such as social property relations and class analysis, “political Marxism” deeply analyzes the transformation and development of capitalism, and forms a critical theory of “transitional capitalism”. “Political Marxism” has always adhered to Marxs method of historical materialism,and put forward the theory of the agrarian origins of capitalism. It conceives that, first, capitalism arose in the field of agriculture in Britain by chance, and profoundly changed the course of development in Britain and Western European countries. Second, capitalist society presents a process of transformation from agrarian to industrial capitalism, then from industrial to colonial imperialism, and finally from colonial to capitalist imperialism. Third, the ideology of capitalism has become an important part of the capitalist ruling system, forming ideological chains such as “progress”, “democracy”, “unlimited warfare”, and “liberalism”. “Political Marxism” holds that contemporary capitalism has experienced serious crises such as class struggle, economic crisis, ecological crisis and social crisis, and that the overall crisis will inevitably lead to the demise of capitalism. It believes that it is necessary to transcend capitalism and achieve a revival of socialism in the 21st century. The critical theory of “transitional capitalism” of “political Marxism” has very important implications for the development of Marxism in the 21st century, enriching the critical theory of capitalism of contemporary foreign Marxism and promoting the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Key words: political Marxism, transitional capitalism, socialism, logic of capital

摘要: “政治马克思主义”是当代国外马克思主义的重要流派,在当代英美马克思主义主义学界具有重要的影响,形成了三代学术共同体。“政治马克思主义”围绕社会财产关系、阶级分析等概念,深入分析了资本主义的转型发展,形成了“转型资本主义”批判理论。“政治马克思主义”始终坚持马克思的历史唯物主义的方法,提出了资本主义的农业起源论,认为资本主义是在偶然情况下,在英国农业领域产生,并深刻改变着英国和西欧的发展历程;资本主义社会呈现出从农业资本主义转变到工业资本主义,再从工业资本主义发展为殖民主义的帝国主义,最后从殖民主义的帝国主义转型为资本帝国主义的发展过程;资本主义的意识形态已经成为资本主义统治体系的重要组成部分,形成了“进步”“民主”“无限战争”“自由主义”等意识形态链条。“政治马克思主义”认为当代资本主义出现了严重的阶级斗争危机、经济危机、生态危机、社会危机等,总体性的危机必然导致资本主义走向消亡;必须要超越资本主义,实现21世纪社会主义的复兴。“政治马克思主义”的“转型资本主义”批判理论对发展21世纪马克思主义、丰富当代国外马克思主义的资本主义批判理论、推进新时代中国特色社会主义发展具有非常重要的启示。

关键词: 政治马克思主义, 转型资本主义, 社会主义, 资本逻辑