ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2024, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 106-116.

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Historical and Political Interpretation of the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation: Focusing on the Shaping of China's National Governance Model from the “Change of Zhou and Qin”


  1. Research Department of the Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Beijing 100805, China
  • Online:2024-06-16 Published:2024-06-14



  1. 全国人大常委会办公厅研究室
  • 作者简介:黄涛,全国人大常委会办公厅研究室研究人员、政治学博士(北京 100805)。

Abstract: The modern Chinese civilization is a great civilization centered on politics that has developed and transformed from the traditional Chinese civilization. To understand its formation and development, it is necessary to respect historical continuity and pay close attention to major changes in the national governance model. As a fundamental change in the Chinese civilization on all fronts led by the reform of the national governance model, the “Change of Zhou and Qin” shaped the core structure and basic paradigm of the Chinese civilization, and had a significant and farreaching impact on the development and evolution of the modern Chinese civilization. On the basis of adhering to the “two integrations”, the Communist Party of China has inherited the essence of ancient China and carried out reform and upgrading on all fronts, discarded the outdated in favor of the new through constant selfrenewal, so that the Chinese civilization has achieved a great leap from the ancient to the modern form and has become an important part of the worlds modern civilization. It is indispensable that the basic paradigm and many basic elements and symbolic characteristics of the modern Chinese civilization have been inherited and developed from those in ancient China, and its key historical starting point is the “Change of Zhou and Qin”. The “Change of Zhou and Qin”, with the profound connotations, premature modernity and implied universality, has profoundly influenced the structure and paradigm of the modern Chinese civilization.

Key words: modern Chinese civilization, national governance model, “two integrations”, the “Change of Zhou and Qin”, the Chinese path to modernization

摘要: 中华民族现代文明是从中华传统文明发展转型而来的以政治为中心的伟大文明。理解其形成和发展,应当尊重历史连续性并高度关注国家治理模式重大变革。作为一场以国家治理模式变革为统领的中华文明全方位根本变革,周秦之变塑造了中华文明的核心结构和基本范式并对中华民族现代文明的发展演进产生重大而深远的影响。在坚持“两个结合”的基础上,中国共产党继承古代中国的精华并进行全方位变革和升级,革故鼎新、返本开新,使中华文明实现了从古代形态到现代形态的伟大飞跃,成为世界现代文明的重要成员。不容忽视的是,中华民族现代文明的基本范式和诸多基本要素、标识性特征传承发展自古代中国,其关键历史起点就是周秦之变。周秦之变以其内涵深刻性、早发现代性和蕴含的人类普遍性,深刻影响中华民族现代文明的结构和范式。

关键词: 中华民族现代文明, 国家治理模式, “两个结合”, 周秦之变, 中国式现代化