Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5): 53-62.
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Abstract: The expansion of needs and its relationship with subjectivity are important topics of critical theory in modern society. In the early ideological genealogy of social philosophy, Rousseau argues that the expansion of needs might diminish freedom and subjectivity. When it comes to Hegel, he points his criticism at the abstraction of labor as a means of satisfying needs and the alienation caused by money as a “pure symbol” of needs. In Marxs perspective, the expansion of needs is not associated with subjectivity, but is driven by the desire for capital proliferation. Furthermore, in his analysis of fetishism, which has a profound influence on Western Marxism, Marx makes intense criticism of the dichotomy between subjectivity and objectivity in the capitalist society. Rousseau, Hegel and Marx provide us with important theoretical implications for understanding and diagnosing the problems of modern society.
Key words: needs, subjectivity, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx
摘要: 需要的无限扩张及其与主体性的关系是现代社会批判理论的重要论题。在社会哲学的早期思想谱系中,卢梭关注的首先是需要的扩张对自在自由的损减和对自在主体的败坏,其批判思路表现出强烈的历史复古主义色彩。黑格尔则不再将需要的扩张本身视为社会赘疣,而是将批判的矛头指向了作为满足需要手段的劳动的抽象化和作为需要纯粹象征物的货币造成的异化。青年马克思曾在与黑格尔相近的意义上将异化理论作为批判社会现实的武器,但在其成熟时期的拜物教理论中,马克思以对具有客观性外观的主体间关系的批判取代了早期异化理论中主客二分的模式,从而明确地将需要的扩张指认为资本增殖的欲望。这一上起卢梭经过黑格尔和马克思的思想线索对之后西方马克思主义的社会批判理论产生了深远影响,并为我们剖析和诊治现代“社会病症”提供了重要的思想资源。
关键词: 需要, 主体性, 卢梭, 黑格尔, 马克思
Ren Shaoting. Needs and Subjectivity in the Context of Social Philosophy: Rousseau, Hegel and Marx[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(5): 53-62.
任劭婷. 社会哲学视阈中的需要与主体性——卢梭、黑格尔与马克思[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(5): 53-62.
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