Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (5): 44-52.
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Abstract: In order to grasp Marxs theory of social formation, we need to use a concrete historical way of thinking, the logic behind which is “rising from abstraction to concreteness” of “the society in generalthe social formationthe capitalist society”. When analyzing the capitalist society, Marx clearly distinguishes the material elements and social forms of the production process, reveals the fetishistic nature of capital, and highlights the historical temporalities of capital. The law of historical development is not a law external to human beings, but a law that can only exist in human activities. There is no fundamental conflict between the objectivity of the law of historical development and the subjectivity of human beings. To investigate the “naturalness” of social development, we need to make clear which is the “eternal inevitability” that runs throughout the development of human society and which is the “temporary inevitability” in some or a certain stage of historical development. The successive evolution of the theory of“five types of social formations” or “three types of social formations” is not a law of historical development revealed by Marx, but the concrete manifestation of it.
Key words: social formation, theory of five types of social formations, theory of three types of social formations, law of historical development, natural historical process
摘要: 我们需要运用具体的历史的思维方式,在“一般社会——社会形态——资本主义社会”这一“从抽象上升到具体”的逻辑中来把握马克思社会形态理论。剖析资本主义社会时,马克思明晰地区分了生产过程的物质要素与社会形式,揭示了资本的拜物教性质,彰显了资本的独特性与历史暂时性。历史发展规律并非外在于人的规律,而恰恰是只有在人的活动中才能存在的规律;历史发展规律的客观性与人的主体能动性之间并不存在非此即彼或此消彼长的对立关系。考察社会发展的“似自然性”问题,需要明确哪些是贯穿人类社会发展始终的“永恒的必然性”、哪些是存在于一些或某个历史发展阶段的“暂时的必然性”。无论“五形态”还是“三形态”的依次演进,都不是马克思所揭示的历史发展规律本身,而只是它的具体表现。 [作者简介]刘召峰,浙江大学马克思主义学院教授(浙江 杭州 310058)。
关键词: 社会形态, 五形态说, 三形态说, 历史发展规律, 自然历史过程
Liu Zhaofeng. Marx's Theory of Social Formation: Logical Exploration and Argument Evaluation[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(5): 44-52.
刘召峰. 马克思社会形态理论:逻辑探究与争论评析[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(5): 44-52.
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