Teaching and Research ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (3): 54-65.
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Abstract: This paper argues that the innovation and application of digital technologies, such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, and big data, have profoundly changed the patterns of economic relations, featuring virtualization distinctly. That is, the relations of production are characterized by the subordination in humanmachine relations, the concealment of the conflict between labor and capital and the decentralization in labor relations; the exchange relations present the characteristics of dematerialization of numeric code and spillover of exchange value; the resource allocation features the socialization of conflicts in allocation and the refiguration of the distribution network; the consumption pattern move towards a model that produces a bubble in consumption demand and changes in the process. These features of virtualization are special connotations of economic relations compared with the past under the condition of digital technology adoption. According to the theory of Marxian economics, the virtualization of economic relations has not changed the theoretical essence of the interpersonal interest relations, rather, it is the inevitable result of the new interest relations brought by the pursuit of surplus value by the owner of capital, the promotion of the realization of commodity value and the redistribution of surplus value. On this basis, the virtualization of economic relations still follows the evolving principle of economic relations, that is, the level of digital productivity determines the degree and form of virtualization of economic relations, and the nature of social ownership determines properties and changing trends of virtual economic relations.
Key words: digital technology, economic relations, virtualization features, interest relations
摘要: 互联网、人工智能、大数据等数字技术的创新和应用,已深刻改变经济关系的表现形式,使其呈现出愈发鲜明的虚拟化特征,即生产关系呈现出人机关系的隶属化、劳资对立的隐匿化、劳动关系的分散化特征;交换关系呈现出数字代号的脱实化、交换价值的溢出化特征;分配关系呈现出分配矛盾的社会化、分配格局的重构化特征;消费关系呈现出消费需求的泡沫化、消费过程的生产化特征。虚拟化特征回答并刻画了数字技术条件下经济关系相比以往的特殊性内涵。根据马克思主义经济学的基本理论,经济关系的虚拟化并未改变其人与人之间利益关系的理论实质,反而正是资本所有者追求超额剩余价值、促进商品价值实现以及重新分割剩余价值的利益关系所带来的必然结果。在此基础上,经济关系虚拟化的演变规律和发展趋势仍遵循着经济关系演变的一般规律,即数字生产力发展水平决定着经济关系虚拟化的程度和形式,社会基本所有制性质则决定着虚拟经济关系的属性和变化趋势。
关键词: 数字技术, 经济关系, 虚拟化特征, 利益关系
Wang Lin. The Virtualization Features of Economic Relations and Its Theoretical Logic under the Conditions of Digital Technology Adoption[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(3): 54-65.
王琳. 数字技术条件下经济关系的虚拟化特征及其理论逻辑探究[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(3): 54-65.
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