ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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What Is “Sensibility”: A Perspective of Karl Marx——Taking Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 as An Example#br#

Li Chunmin   

  1. School of Marxism, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092
  • Online:2018-09-16 Published:2018-10-12



  1. 同济大学马克思主义学院
  • 作者简介:李春敏,同济大学马克思主义学院副教授(上海 200092)。

Abstract: “Sensibility” is an important category of philosophical world outlook. There is a profound epistemological tradition of excessive sensibility in perceptual derogation. Economics and Philosophy Manuscript of 1844 is Marxs important text on the basis of Feuerbachs reconstruction of sensibility. The sensibility in Marxs vision can be divided into “perception as external perception” and “sensibility as inner experience”. Marx has not been trapped in the discussion of “sensibility” itself, but has led “sensibility” to human activities, thus realizing the leap from “sensibility” to “perceptual activity”. This is an important dimension of Marxs view of sensibility which is different from the previous view of sensibility. Marx explored the perceptual world as the main body of perceptual activities and the perceptual world as the object of perceptual activities. The latter concerns natural, social relations and human beings. Marx regards capital as a kind of concrete historical character of “perceptual activity” and probes into the perceptual activities of people (especially employed workers) under the logic of capital. On this basis, Marx regards communism as the practical way to sublate perceptual materialization.

Key words: Marx , sensibility , Economics and Philosophy Manuscript of 1844

摘要: “感性”是哲学世界观的重要范畴,超感性对感性的贬抑有着深远的知识论传统,这种传统从柏拉图绵延至黑格尔。费尔巴哈对思辨哲学“抽象总体”的消解给马克思提供了重要启示,《1844年经济学哲学手稿》是马克思在费尔巴哈的基础上重建感性的重要文本。马克思视野中的感性可分为“作为外在感知的感性”和“作为内在体验的感性”。马克思没有囿于对“感性”本身的探讨,而是将“感性”导向了人的对象化活动,从而实现了从“感性”向“感性活动”的飞跃,这是马克思感性观区别于以往感性观的重要维度,“感性”由此被赋予了存在论意义。马克思分别探讨了作为“感性活动”主体的“感性的人”和作为“感性活动”客体的“感性的世界”,后者关涉自然、社会关系体系和人自身。马克思将资本作为“感性活动”的一种具体历史性,并深入探讨了资本逻辑下人(尤其是雇佣工人)的感性活动的物化,在此基础上,将共产主义作为扬弃感性物化的现实路径。

关键词: 马克思 , 感性 , 《1844年经济学哲学手稿》