ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

Teaching and Research ›› 2006, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 80-84.DOI:

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Society of Consumption and Marxism—— On Baudrillard’s Theory of Code Consumption

GAO Ya-chun   

  1. Department of Philosophy, Heilongjiang University, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150080, China
  • Received:2005-10-20 Online:2006-01-20 Published:2012-03-05



  1. 黑龙江大学, 哲学系, 黑龙江, 哈尔滨, 150080

Abstract: Marx held that spiritual consumption itself had become a tool of the ruling class and a means for them to carry out their ideology.Baudrillard’s theory of semiotic consumption is meant to analyze the economic structure of modern society,the class division and the social mentality in the light of sociology.Thus,semiotic consumption performs the functions of promoting social structure and reinforcing division of social classes.In addition,it may result in mobility and conformity of social classes.However,as both spiritual consumption and semiotic consumption are restricted by material production,the concept of "spiritual consumption" raised by Marx and the "semiotic consumption" proposed by Baudrillard are closely related.

Key words: spiritual consumption, semiotic consumption, fetishism of commodity, fetishism of semiotics

摘要: 马克思认为,精神消费活动本身成为统治阶级进行阶级统治的一种工具,成为统治阶级贯彻其意识形态的手段。波德里亚的“符号消费”理论是要揭示现代社会的经济结构、社会分层和社会心态,阐释出其中的社会学意义。因此,符号消费既具有促使社会结构化的功能,也具有强化社会阶层的作用,当然还具有促成社会阶层流动与整合的效用。但无论是精神消费还是符号消费都受制于物质生产。因此我们认为,马克思关于“精神消费”的观点与波德里亚的“符号消费”的论述是密切相关的。

关键词: 精神消费, 符号消费, 商品拜物教, 符号拜物教

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