ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4


• 当代中国与世界 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院
  • 出版日期:2018-04-16 发布日期:2018-04-16
  • 作者简介:丁工,中国社会科学院亚太与全球战略研究院助理研究员、国家全球战略智库特约研究员(北京100007)。

Pushing Forward Global Partnership with the “BRICS +” Platform

Ding Gong#br#   

  1. AsiaPacific and Global Strategic Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100007
  • Online:2018-04-16 Published:2018-04-16

摘要: 2017年9月,中国举办金砖国家厦门峰会,这是中国第二次站在引领、塑造发展中国家合作和影响全球治理方向的最前端。在本次峰会上,中国作为主席国成功引入“金砖+”合作的概念,不仅有助于实现中国理念与金砖内涵对接融合,促进与相关各方之间的增信释疑,还能够曲线缓解“扩容”分歧。未来以“金砖+”平台作为推进全球伙伴关系建设的总纲主线,通过推动与区域性组织、国际性机制的对话联络,探寻增进与中等强国协调合作的可行途径,维护全球治理发展和强化与G20机制对接的合作载体,进而达到既能够增强金砖机制的决策力和执行力,还可以充分释放金砖合作生命力、不断拓展金砖合作影响力的目标。

关键词: 金砖国家 , 成员扩容 , 厦门峰会


In September 2017, China hosted the Xiamen summit of BRICS. This is the second time China has been leading and shaping the cooperation of developing countries and the direction of global governance. At this summit, China successfully introduced the concept of “BRICS +” cooperation as the president of BRICS summit. This is not only conducive to the realization of the integration of the Chinese concept and the connotation of BRICS, but also to alleviate the differences as of the “expansion”. In the future, China will take the “BRICS +” platform as the main line to promote the construction of global partnership. Through promoting dialogue and liaison with regional organizations and international mechanisms, we will explore feasible ways to enhance coordination and cooperation with middle powers. China should maintain the development of global governance and strengthen the carrier of cooperation with the G20 mechanism, and then achieve the ability to enhance the decisionmaking power and execution of the BRICS mechanism. At the same time, China can also achieve the goal of releasing the vitality of the BRICS cooperation and expanding the cooperative influence of the BRICS.

Key words: BRICs , member expansion , Xiamen summit