ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

《教学与研究》 ›› 1997, Vol. ›› Issue (10): 15-19.DOI:

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  1. 北京邮电大学社会科学部 100088
  • 出版日期:1997-10-20 发布日期:2012-03-05

On Contradictory State of Social Transformation and Its Cost in Countries That Lag behind

  • Online:1997-10-20 Published:2012-03-05

摘要: 本文认为:力图避免不发达的沉重代价,摆脱落后状态,是发展中国家坚持走现代化道路,竭力实现本国社会转型的基本动因;“后发”国家在社会转型中付出了一系列新的代价,包括传统的、本民族的因素与现代的、外来的因素之间的二元对抗及其导致的价值损失,“先发”国家的示范效应对“后发”国家的社会转型所造成的消极影响,以及“后发”国家由于其在国际经济秩序中所处劣势地位而付出的高昂代价;代价与社会发展之间具有辩证关系,社会发展史也就是一部代价史,一部不断付出代价并扬弃代价的历史。

Abstract: The developing countries are highly motivated to undergo soicial transformation in order to get rid of the heavy loss caused by underdevelopment and being left behind.They paid a high price for this transformation.This includes the loss in value caused by conflicts between conventional native aspects and modern foreign aspects,negative effect of the influence of models provided by developed countries,and the high cost resulted from their disadvantageous position in international economic system.The author maintains that there exists a dialectic relation between social development and its cost.In fact,the history of social development is but a history of cost,and a history of paying and sublation.