ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

《教学与研究》 ›› 1997, Vol. ›› Issue (10): 10-14.DOI:

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  1. 《人民政协报》编辑 100075
  • 出版日期:1997-10-20 发布日期:2012-03-05

On Cultural and Social Transformation and the Link between the Two

  • Online:1997-10-20 Published:2012-03-05

摘要: 本文认为:立足于文化与社会的剥离和统合理论,社会系统整体的转型包括社会转型与文化转型,二者既是剥离的也是统合的;文化与社会的匹配理论有助于我们思考市场经济和民主政治对文化状况的客观要求问题,文化与社会的互动理论则启示我们,文化转型与社会转型在具体的运作过程中必须协合兼顾,逐步展开;文化的具体价值与抽象价值的关系理论昭示出一条确立文化转型机制的思路,即通过还原概括出文化的抽象价值,回溯至文化的原生形态,恢复该文化的生命力,进而在此基础上结合时代要求对传统文化进行重新阐释。

Abstract: In the light of the thory that the relationship between culture and society is that of a combination of stripping and integration,the system atic transformation of the social system consists of social transformation and cultural transform ation marked by stripping and integration.The theory of matching culture and society leads us to think of the objective demands of market economy and democratic politics on culture,while the theory of inter-dynamics guides us on the way of gradual development and conformation during operation of cultural and social transformation.and the theory concerning the relation between specific value and abstract value of culture gives rise to the mechanism of cultural transformation.That is,generalizing original abstract value of culture, tracking back to its original form,restoring its vigor,and then restating the traditional culture according to the requirement of modern society.