教学与研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (7): 66-73.
• 马克思主义基本理论 • 上一篇 下一篇
摘要: 马克思开辟了独特的空间辩证法:历史唯物主义不仅不欠缺空间维度,而且空间的生产本身就是马克思历史的辩证法的应有之义;空间不只是科学意义上的客观空间,更是特定的社会历史过程的构造物。马克思的空间辩证法主要有四条阐释路径:一是“自然的空间”与自然的辩证法,二是“历史的空间”与历史的辩证法,三是“社会的空间”与社会的辩证法,四是“乌托邦的空间”与乌托邦的辩证法。
关键词: 马克思, 空间, 辩证法
Abstract: Marx opens up fresh ground for the discussion on the spatial dialectics. Historical materialism does not lack the spatial analyses, in which the production of space itself is embedded in Marx's dialectical notion of history. Space is not only an objective space in the scientific sense, but also a specific social and historical process. Marxs spatial dialectics can be interpreted mainly in four ways: the “natural space” and the dialectics of nature, the “historical space” and the dialectics of history, the “social space” and the dialectical view of society, and the “utopia space” and the dialectics of utopia.
Key words: Marx, space, dialectics
李春敏. 论空间辩证法的阐释路径——基于马克思的视角[J]. 教学与研究, 2022, 56(7): 66-73.
Li Chunmin. The Interpretation of Spatial Dialectics: A Marxist Perspective[J]. Teaching and Research, 2022, 56(7): 66-73.
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