ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4


• 当代中国与世界 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1.  丹麦奥尔堡大学发展与国际关系研究中心
  • 出版日期:2019-01-16 发布日期:2019-02-18
  • 作者简介:李形, 丹麦奥尔堡大学发展与国际关系研究中心主任、教授,中国嘉兴学院特聘教授兼区域软实力研究所所长,《中国与国际关系学刊》主编;彭博, 丹麦奥尔堡大学发展与国际关系研究中心博士研究生(丹麦 奥尔堡 9220)。

Chinas Dual Position in the Capitalist World Order:A Complexity of Hegemony and Counterhegemony#br#

Li Xing,Peng Bo#br#   

  1. Research Center on Development and International Relations, Aalborg University, Aalborg 9220, Denmark
  • Online:2019-01-16 Published:2019-02-18


本文中“主导性”的概念源自英文的 “Hegemony” 一词。Hegemony在中文文献和语境里一直翻译为“霸权”,而众所周知“霸权”一词是带有贬义或者负面色彩。而源于葛兰西政治理论的“hegemony”是非常正面和积极的语义,它指的是统治阶级或某种社会力量能保持领导地位和在国家各领域保持主导权的能力。这种能力折射出一定超越阶级和意识形态的普遍性价值观,也包含统治阶级的弹性和柔性以及不断妥协、更新和完善自身的意识。国际关系学中新葛兰西理论把此概念提升到国际政治层面来分析世界秩序中的领导权和主导权。因此, 本文把“hegemony”翻译为“主导”“主导性”“主导权”。的力量;另一方面,中国也同时被认为是世界秩序中半边缘和边缘地区或国家的新兴主导性力量。这种形势促使作者去研究上述两方面之间所存在的某种动态的和辩证的关系。作为一个新兴主
导力量,中国正处在世界秩序由传统主导形态向相互依存主导形态转变的接合点上。随着在世界体系中不断提升的位置以及由此获得的财富和权力,中国的持续性崛起将为半边缘和边缘国家提供更大的“发展空间”(room of maneuver)和“向上动力”(upward mobility)。中国作为主导力量不能被理解为传统意义上的核心国家,而应当被视为支撑全球性关系和承担全球性关切的重要力量。

关键词: 双重复杂性 , 主导权 , 制衡性主导权 , 核心国家 , 半边缘国家 , 边缘国家


This article explores the dual complexity brought about by Chinas global rise. It intends to conceptualize Chinas rise as having different implications and
impacts on different parts of the world. On the one hand, it may be argued that China is becoming an emerging counterhegemonic social force to the “core” of the existing world order; while at the same time, it can also be seen as a new rising hegemon to the semiperipheral and peripheral parts of the world order. This situation prompts the authors to examine the above dynamic and dialectic relationships. In line with the authors analysis, as an emerging power, China is in a transitional junction from a world order that was dominated by conventional hegemony to a one that is increasingly shaped by interdependent hegemony. With its accumulated power and wealth brought about by its upgraded position in the world system, Chinas continuous rise is providing more “room for maneuver” and “upward mobility” to semiperipheral and peripheralcountries.China as a “hegemon” must be understood not as a new member of the conventional “core”, but as a nation whose power is characterized by global relationship and relevance.

Key words: dual complexity , hegemony , counterhegemony , core countries , semiperipheral countries , peripheral countries