ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

《教学与研究》 ›› 2011, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (4): 80-85.DOI:

• 科学社会主义理论与实践 • 上一篇    

苏东剧变后的古巴经济改革: 措施、主要成就与思考


  1. 山东大学政治学博士后流动站, 山东济南250100
  • 收稿日期:2011-03-01 出版日期:2011-04-20 发布日期:2012-02-24
  • 作者简介:张登文,山东大学政治学博士后流动站研究人员,北京市社会科学院副研究员,主要研究方向为全球化与社会主义基本问题.
  • 基金资助:

    作者主持的国家社科基金项目“全球化与第三世界的社会主义”(项目编号: 07CKS005)阶段性成果

The Cuban Economic Reform after the Drastic Changes in USSR and East Europe: the Measurements,Major Achievements and Reflections

ZHANG Deng-wen   

  1. Postdoctoral Program in Political Science, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China
  • Received:2011-03-01 Online:2011-04-20 Published:2012-02-24

摘要: 苏东剧变后,古巴社会主义政权危在旦夕。通过经济改革,古巴重新融入了全球经济、提高了国内经济效率,改善了人民生活,捍卫了"祖国、革命和社会主义"。古巴的实践,折射出了现实社会主义国家乃至第三世界的发展命运,并将随着古巴共产党思想的不断解放、政府社会保障能力的逐步提高而进一步深化。

关键词: 苏东剧变, 古巴, 经济改革, 措施, 成就, 思考

Abstract: The drastic changes in USSR and East Europe had endangered the Cuban socialist regime.Then,Cuba managed to re-integrate into the global economy through an economic reform.The economic efficiency was raised.People’s life was improved,and the Cuban people successfully defended their "motherland,revolution and socialism".The experience of Cuba reflected the development fate of socialist countries and the third-world countries.With the continuous mind emancipation of the Cuban Communist Party and the gradual enhancement of the Cuban government’s ability of social security,their practice advanced with increasing profundity.

Key words: the drastic changes in USSR and East Europe, Cuba, economic reform, measurement, achievement, reflection
