ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The History and Experience of the Integrated Development of Fine Traditional Chinese Culture and Ideological and Political Education 
    Wang Yi
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (6): 14-23.  
    Abstract84)      PDF (7797KB)(144)       Save
    The integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education is an important research topic in the discipline of ideological and political education, which runs through the whole process of the construction and development of the discipline. Over the 40 years of construction and development, the discipline of ideological and political education has gone through three stages of development: initial establishment, deepening and expansion, and comprehensive advancement, the ideological framework, basic research field, stance and characteristics of the integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education have matured, and the research perspectives have become increasingly rich. At the new historical starting point, to further deepen the theoretical and practical achievements of the integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education, first, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture and grasp the new requirements for the integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education; second, we should comply with the “two integrations” to open up a new space for the integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education; and third, with the goal of constructing an independent knowledge base, we will secure new successes in pursuing the integrated development of fine traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education.

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    Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on China's Excellent Traditional Culture and its Innovative Contributions
    Wang Yi, Qin Yujuan
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (2): 5-16.  
    Abstract549)      PDF (10109KB)(433)       Save
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping has stood at the strategic height of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and has given a series of important expositions on China's excellent traditional culture from the fundamental standpoint of Marxism. These expositions scientifically interpret the new positioning, basic connotation, modern value and inheriting of China's excellent traditional culture. As an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, these new ideas have further deepened the Communist Party of China's understanding of China's excellent traditional culture, enriched and developed socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and opened a new frontier in taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. While presenting the image of Chinese civilization, they also contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the world.

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    Research on the Organic Integration of the Spiritual Genealogy of the Communist Party of China into the Ideological and Political Education
    Wang Yi
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (5): 13-18.  
    Abstract651)      PDF (5218KB)(281)       Save
    To guide all young students to carry forward the fine traditions and continue passing on the red revolutionary spirit, it is to organically integrate the spiritual genealogy of the Communist Party of China (CPC) formed in the practice of revolution, construction and reform by the Partys leadership into the ideological and political education. It is necessary to grasp the spiritual source, vertical evolution and horizontal extension of the CPCs spiritual genealogy as a whole, systematically explore the essence of the spiritual genealogy, make indepth inquiry into the ideological resources, characteristics for a new era and spiritual strengths of the spiritual genealogy, in order to inspire all young students to become a new generation who can shoulder the mission of national rejuvenation.

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    Committed to Building an Academic System of Legal Science with Chinese Characteristics
    Wang Yi
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (11): 5-14.  
    Abstract342)      PDF (6526KB)(198)       Save
    The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) points out that problems are the voice of the times and answering the problems and guiding the solutions are the fundamental tasks of theory. To continue to promote theoretical innovation on the basis of practice and to write a new chapter in the modernization of Marxism in China, we should adhere to the problem orientation. Therefore, it is an inevitable requirement for the implementation of the spirit of the 20 National Congress of the CPC to engage in intellectual enquiry with respect to meta-jurisprudence, on the basis of which to build an academic system of legal science with Chinese characteristics. The problems of metajurisprudence mainly include two categories: one concerns ideological resources, ie. what are the ideological resources that shape the orientation, foresight and preference of legal scholars; the other involves the analytic framework, ie. how to distinguish the types of legal issues, complete the system construction, determine the methods of argumentation, and put forward valid arguments. Only by starting from the problems of meta-jurisprudence and adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, by combining China's specific rule of law practice with its traditional legal culture, and by learning from international experience, can the mission of building an academic system of legal science with Chinese characteristics be successfully completed.

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    Carry Forward Great AntiPandemic Spirit and Demonstrate Advantages of Socialist System with Chinese Characteristics
    Wang Yi
    Teaching and Research    2020, 54 (12): 5-14.  
    Abstract708)      PDF (8843KB)(284)       Save

    We should thoroughly study the core elements of Xi Jinping's important series of speeches on epidemic prevention and control, summarize and analyze the great antiepidemic spirit of life first, unity of the whole country, sacrifice of life and death, respect for science, and shared destiny in the practice of fighting the epidemic. We must fully demonstrate the CPC's centralized and unified leadership in epidemic prevention and control, the peoplecentered concept of epidemic prevention and control, and the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics that focus on fighting the epidemic.

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    On the Basic Laws of Ideological and Political Education
    Wang Yi, Song Jianlin
    Teaching and Research   
    On Issues of Raising the Effectiveness of Ideal Belief Education for Post-90s College Students
    Wang Yi
    Teaching and Research    2011, (4): 19-22.  
    Abstract1247)      PDF (864KB)(1838)       Save
    Education of ideal beliefs is an essential part of ideological and political education for college students.Education of ideal beliefs for the post-90s college students should be closely related to the reality of their life and thoughts.It should observe the law of formation of ideal beliefs,be integrated into the process of the students’ self-development,and attend to solutions to their problems as well.Realization of the social ideals,long-term ideals and high ideals should be integrated into the students’ personal ideals,short-term ideals and general ideals.The ideal belief education should also assist the college students to make correct value judgment in order to achieve its aims.
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    A Review of Literature on the Chinese Modern Ideological History since the 21 st Century:Retrospection and Prospection
    WANG Yi
    Teaching and Research    2010, (3): 45-54.  
    Abstract1211)      PDF (2952KB)(1670)       Save
    Based on 20 years of research achievements,researches on Chinese modern ideological history have entered a new stage in the 21 st century.Great progress has been made in studying the history of schools of thoughts,the thinkers,the academic history;in introducing the research paradigm of social history studies,and in discipline development.This article offers a review of the studies of the Chinese ideological history since the new century based on the data collected from two journals,Modern Chinese History Studies and Historical Research,since the year 20001.Predictions are made about the general research tendency in the future on development of ideological history.
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    Theoretical Interpretation of Self-Determination and Self-Government
    WANG Ying-jin
    Teaching and Research    2009, (12): 75-81.  
    Abstract1175)      PDF (1509KB)(1622)       Save
    Self-determination and self-government are separate concepts of international law and domestic law respectively.Their major discrepancies lie in their different meanings,the different categories they belong to,their differing subject systems,and their different political functions.The two concepts are also connected.Self-determination is a prerequisite of self-government,while self-government is an end result of self-determination.One of the reasons why these two concepts have been confusing in the academic circle is that the western scholars currently make a distinction between internal self-determination and external self-determination,and mistake the concept of internal self-determination as being equal to self-government.The simple way to clarify this confusion is not to classify self-determination into internal or external ones in the context of international law,nor should the concept of self-government be applied in the context of international law any more.
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    On Contention over the Nature of Self-determination Right and Its Definition
    WANG Ying-jin
    Teaching and Research    2008, (5): 80-85.  
    Abstract1157)      PDF (1167KB)(1683)       Save
    The right of self-determination has multiple natures;it is not only an basic principle,but also an basic right in international law.The right of self-determination only refers to the political independent right in a narrow sense,but it not only includes the political independent right but also those rights of economical and cultural autonomy in broad sense.It is not the right of only exercising one time,but the permanent one that may exercise repeatedly under the certain condition.Its realized form includes the independence,merging with other country or being merged into other country and so on.It is an absolute right by ownership,but is a relative one in exercise.It has surmounted the traditionally international law nature,more displaying the international imperative law right.
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    Three Dimensions of Harmonious World
    Wang Yi-wei
    Teaching and Research    2007, (2): 67-71.  
    Abstract1171)      PDF (817KB)(1733)       Save
    The concept of “harmonious world” signals important innovation and transformation in the Chinese diplomatic philosophy and diplomatic theory. By this the concept of harmonious society has been extended to harmonious world, that is, from the domestic level to the international level, from being expressed by the world to expressing the world, from process to product, and has fulfilled the national will of peaceful rise (peaceful development) for completion of China’s self-orientation in the world. This makes a strong case against the theory of “menace from China”, and serves as another piece of evidence that China is a responsible big power. Three connotations of the concept harmonious world are summarized in this paper, namely, harmonious system, harmonious power, and harmonious values. It claims that the world can be stable, secure and peaceful only when people stick to maintaining a three-dimension conception of harmony, that is, a holistic view, mutual benefits, and co-existence.
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    Reflections on International Studies in China:A General Review of the Sub-fields(Ⅰ)
    WANG Yi-zhou
    Teaching and Research    2006, (9): 26-32.  
    Abstract1151)      PDF (1310KB)(1664)       Save
    This paper offers a thorough review of the development of international studies in China over the past decade in terms of specific research areas and topics.The review covers both macro and micro issues,among which are hot issues like Marxist theories on international relations,theories of realism,studies of the international regime,constructivism school,discussions about international strategies,process of globalization,international economical politics,studies on the United Nations,nationalism,regionalism,feminism and so on.The paper also analyzes micro issues such as politics and culture,ecological politics,ethics in international relations,sub-disciplines such as the British school and the Copenhagen school,and studies on sovereignty,security,benefits of the state,methodology and the Chinese characters as well.In fact,all the major issues and research topics discussed in the academic circle are included in this survey.The author not only provides a brief summary of the achievements in these research areas and the background of the researches,but also offers to comment on the existing problems and suggests directions for future studies,with emphasis placed on the importance and hardships of this discipline in China today.
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    Reflections on International Studies in China:A General Review of the Sub-fields(Ⅲ)
    WANG Yi-zhou
    Teaching and Research    2006, (11): 35-42.  
    Abstract1178)      PDF (1707KB)(1758)       Save
    This paper offers a thorough review of the development of international studies in China over the past decade in terms of specific research areas and topics.The review covers both macro and micro issues,among which are hot issues like Marxist theories on international relations,theories of realism,studies of the international regime,constructivism school,discussions about international strategies,process of globalization,international economical politics,studies on the United Nations,nationalism,regionalism,feminism and so on.The paper also analyzes micro issues such as politics and culture,ecological politics,ethics in international relations,subdisciplines such as the British school and the Copenhagen school,and studies on sovereignty,security,benefits of the state,methodology and the Chinese characters as well.In fact,all the major issues and research topics discussed in the academic circle are included in this survey.The author not only provides a brief summary of the achievements in these research areas and the background of the researches,but also offers to comment on the existing problems and suggests diretions for future studies,with emphasis placed on the importance and hardships of this discipline in China today.
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    Reflections on International Studies in China:A General Review of the Sub-fields(Ⅱ)
    WANG Yi-zhou
    Teaching and Research    2006, (10): 31-38.  
    Abstract1115)      PDF (1681KB)(1669)       Save
    This paper offers a thorough review of the development of international studies in China over the past decade in terms of specific research areas and topics.The review covers both macro and micro issues,among which are hot issues like Marxist theories on international relations,theories of realism,studies of the international regime,constructivism school,discussions about international strategies,process of globalization,international economical politics,studies on the United Nations,nationalism,regionalism,feminism and so on.The paper also analyzes micro issues such as politics and culture,ecological politics,ethics in international relations,subdisciplines such as the British school and the Copenhagen school,and studies on sovereignty,security,benefits of the state,methodology and the Chinese characters as well.In fact,all the major issues and research topics discussed in the academic circle are included in this survey.The author not only provides a brief summary of the achievements in these research areas and the background of the researches,but also offers to comment on the existing problems and suggests diretions for future studies,with emphasis placed on the importance and hardships of this discipline in China today.
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    Tracing the Course of American Culture: from Following European Traditions to Seeking Internationalization
    NI Shi-xiong, WANG Yi-wei
    Teaching and Research    2002, (8): 50-54.  
    Abstract1095)      PDF (952KB)(1608)       Save
    The author holds that the progress of America has experienced such developmental stages as following the European traditions (colonization) through self identification, pursuing Americanization (nationalization) by self reform, and seeking internationalization (globalization) in self representation. These developmental stages coincide the three periods of American cultural progress. These periods are marked by features of multi dimension, modernity and internationalization respectively.
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