ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Critique, Demystification and Construction: The Idea of Justice in The Critique of the Gotha Program
    Wang Xiaoqing
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (4): 39-49.  
    Abstract66)      PDF (10616KB)(12)       Save
    The Critique of the Gotha Program is an extremely important Marxist guideline document and contains profound ideas on justice. In this work, Marx thoroughly criticizes the erroneous theories such as labor determinism, distribution determinism and the iron law of wages advocated by Lassalleanism, realizes the subversion and demystification of the bourgeois abstract concept of justice from the logical starting point of historical materialism, and constructs the basic content of proletarian idea of justice based on the historical trajectory of the development stage of communism. Fully exploring the contemporary implications of Marxist view on justice and properly searching for the directional paths are the key to demonstrating the scientific charm and contemporary value of Marxism.
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    Accelerating the Construction of a Unified National Market: The Theoretical Basis and the Chinese Practice
    Wang Xiaodong, Xie Lijuan
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (5): 24-37.  
    Abstract318)      PDF (10016KB)(141)       Save
    Accelerating the construction of a unified national market is the basic support and inherent requirement for creating a new development pattern, and is an important element for building a highlevel socialist market economic system in the process of Chinesestyle modernization. The construction of a large unified national market with Chinese characteristics has a rich practical foundation, starting from the exploration of a unified socialist market at the beginning of the founding of New China, to gradually forming the view of a unified national market based on the new development pattern through a series of consistent understanding and deployment of market economy reforms. The theoretical basis for the construction of a unified national market lies in Marxian political economy, and fully reflects the development of Marxist market theory that has been adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of the times. To construct the unified national market under the new development paradigm, we should not only focus on the development of the huge potential of domestic demand, the domestic economic cycle and the major country's economy, but also make concrete efforts to promote the construction of a modern circulation system with Chinese characteristics, improve the institutional systems of the unified national market, and optimize the governments economic behavior and intergovernmental relations.

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    Marx and Engels' Concept of “the Proletariat” and its Modern Development
    Lin Feng, Wang Xianpeng
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (1): 35-44.  
    Abstract1582)      PDF (7272KB)(444)       Save
    With the changes in the working modes and living conditions of the working class in developed capitalist countries, the argument of the “disappearance of the proletariat” has emerged and produced considerable influence in the academic circle. In order to respond to this argument, we must go back to the classic writings of Marxism, examine and restore the original meaning of the concept of “the proletariat” developed by Marx and Engels, and refer to the new changes in contemporary capitalist society to make a new interpretation of the concept of “the proletariat” that is in line with the characteristics of the times. “Being compelled by their lack of ownership of the means of production to sell their labor power to capitalists to earn a living” is the core feature of “the proletariat” described by Marx and Engels. In the modern world, the persistence of social groups of this profile demonstrates the continued strong explanatory power and applicability of the concept in contemporary times. It is worth noting that the new changes in contemporary capitalist society objectively constitute a challenge to Marx and Engels' conception of “the proletariat”. As modern Marxists, we should defend and develop the concept of “the proletariat” in the modern context, and make new provisions and interpretations of “the proletariat” on the premise of adhering to its rational core. Specifically, the scope of application of this concept should be expanded from the narrow sense of material production to the broad field of labor with much diversity, and the targeted group of the concept should be adjusted from the absolute poor to the relatively poor, thereby endowing this classic concept with stronger and broader explanatory power.

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    A Political Economy Analysis of the Modern Circulation System Supporting the Construction of the New Development Pattern 
    Wang Xiaodong, Xie Lijuan
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (6): 42-55.  
    Abstract329)      PDF (10263KB)(205)       Save
    In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is a major strategic task to accelerate the formation of the new development pattern, in which domestic and foreign markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay. Accelerating the building of the new development paradigm creates a renewed emphasis on “unblocking” the national economic cycle, for which the construction of a modern circulation system provides strong support. The circulation system in China has undergone a transformation from a traditional planned circulation system to a modern market one. It has been carried out along with the historical process of reform and opening up, and will continue to play an important role in smoothing the national economic cycle, helping strengthen the domestic market, and stimulating the mutual promotion of the dual circulation. To build a modern circulation system that provides strong support for the new development pattern, it is necessary not only to follow the general principle that recognizes the relationship between circulation and social reproduction under the conditions of a market economy, but also to firmly grasp the essence of the development model with Chinese characteristics and the advantages of its basic economic system. It is to ensure that the construction of the circulation system is consistent with the goal and development concept of socialist production.

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    The Valueadded Evaluation of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities
    Xu Rong, Wang Xiao
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (12): 100-107.  
    Abstract981)      PDF (6053KB)(251)       Save
    The ideological and political education in colleges and universities has been constantly faced with new tasks and requirements in the new eraIn this context, to develop and reform this ideological and political education has become a new mission under new historical conditionsThe valueadded evaluation is an inherent requirement for deepening the reform of the ideological and political education evaluationIt is of important significance for improving the education quality evaluation, and realizing the fundamental aim of fostering morality and cultivating talentsThis paper reveals the existing problems in the ideological and political education evaluation in colleges and universities, such as the instrumentalized evaluation orientation, static evaluation indicators, and simplistic evaluation modesIt analyzes the features of being developmental, dynamic and pluralistic of the valueadded evaluation, and proposes some basic ideas about clarifying evaluation aims, constructing evaluation indicator systems, and providing technical support to evaluation in order to apply the valueadded evaluation to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities
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    Marx's Communication Thoughts in His Late Years and Its Contemporary Value
    Wang Xiaohong
    Teaching and Research   
    The Research on Marxs Philosophy must Get Rid of the Plight of Fetishism
    Wang Xiao-sheng
    Teaching and Research   
    Group Category of Scientific Development:the Fundamental Ideas of the Chinese Socialist Political Economics
    WANG Xiao-lin, SHI Jing-ying
    Teaching and Research    2010, (8): 87-91.  
    Abstract1069)      PDF (1376KB)(1658)       Save
    Through studies of the Chinese socialist political economics,the direction of framing the theory of market economy has been increasingly clarified.While there are manifold statements on the necessity of framing Chinese economics,there are also overlapping consensuses on it.For the Chinese economic paradigm,if the concept of scientific development is a core theory or only an exogenous concept draws the attention of researchers,the essence of which involves the issue of how to realize the inner agreement of the basic socialist system with the core values of socialism and the methods of distributing market resources.
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    An Analyze of Universality of "Economic Base Determines Superstructure"
    WANG Xiao-sheng
    Teaching and Research    2010, (10): 36-43.  
    Abstract1357)      PDF (2149KB)(1949)       Save
    Karl Kautsky and Jurgen Habermas considered "economic base determines superstructure" a sound proposition only in certain situations,and Jean Baudrillard emphasized that the category of historical materialism should not be applied to the pre-capitalist society.This proposition of Marx has been raised against a background of capitalist society with "full universality" in the capitalist society.While it is also applicable in a pre-capitalist society,each case of application should be considered special and analyzed against its specific background.
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    On Adorno’s Critical Theory of Mass Culture
    WANG Xiao-yan
    Teaching and Research    2009, (4): 39-42.  
    Abstract1617)      PDF (995KB)(2452)       Save
    Adorno is the one who first introduced both mass culture and celebrity culture simultaneously into the realm of modern theory of culture,and set the tune for critique of mass culture of the Frankfurt School.Adorno’s critical culture theory was a response to the crisis of modern industrial society and culture caused by the commercialized,normalized and enforcing mass culture.Adorno advocated anti-art that performed the functions of negation,criticism and Utopia.He maintained that only this kind of art could eliminate despair and save the spirit and the reality.The author points out that while Adorno’s critical theory of mass culture reveals the conflicts and crises of modern capitalism,it has obvious limitaitons and defects,too.
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    On Micro Analysis and Macro Description in Studies of the Social History Concept——A New Perspective in the Study of Historical Materialism
    WANG Xiao-sheng
    Teaching and Research    2009, (2): 34-42.  
    Abstract1312)      PDF (1339KB)(1787)       Save
    Researchers of historical materialism differ in their emphases.Some focus on the macro structure such as productivity and production relations,economic basis and superstructure.Others insist that historical materialism is a science of human beings and their historical development,thus they study human history from the micro dimension of individuals.In fact,Marx had studied history from both dimensions and attended to the relations between the two.Therefore,the author suggests,in the study of historical materialism,we should pay attention to the mutual relation between the micro stucture of individuals and the macro structure of the society in examining the development course of history.Only in this way can we properly understand history.
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    Influence of Foreign Direct Investment on Institutional Changes of the Chinese Property Right System
    WANG Xia, CHEN Liu-qin
    Teaching and Research    2008, (5): 36-42.  
    Abstract1165)      PDF (1105KB)(1598)       Save
    The author holds that foreign direct investment influences the institutional changes of the property right system in China.The major influence lies in two aspects.It has promoted dealings in property rights,and raised the efficiency of the property right structure.The author concludes that the influence of foreign direct investment on institutional changes of our property right system has been achieved by means of the competition mechanism,foreign acquisitions,changing conditions for reform of state-owned enterprises,and policies in favor of foreign investment.
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    On Europeanization:Research Background,Definition and Its Relevance to European Integration
    WU Zhi-cheng, WANG Xia
    Teaching and Research    2007, (6): 48-55.  
    Abstract1162)      PDF (1473KB)(1737)       Save
    Studies on Europeanization started in the early 1990s. It has now developed to an important academic issue in the fields of European studies.The rise of this research area has a profound historical and academic background.The rapid progress of European Integration,the problems encountered by the traditional approach to studies on Integration,and the shifts in the approach to the studies compose the three major factors.The paper explains the current situation and development stages of the studies on Europeanization.On the basis of a detailed discussion of various ways of defining this issue,the author analyzes the basic meaning of Europeanization,discusses its relevance and difference between Europeanization and European Integration.
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    From Rousseau to Marx:A Comparative Study of Political Philosophy
    WANG Dong, WANG Xiao-hong
    Teaching and Research    2007, (6): 28-35.  
    Abstract1179)      PDF (1627KB)(2378)       Save
    The dual nature of relationship between Marx and Rousseau is marked by inheritance and transcendence.For the former,Rousseau’s philosophies,particularly his political philosophy,are one of the important theoretical sources of Marx’s new modern political philosophy.For the latter,Marx had accomplished fundamental transformation of and transcendence over Rousseau’s political philosophy.
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    American Policy in Response to China’s Strategy of Strengthening Cooperation with Latin America
    WANG Xiao-mei
    Teaching and Research    2007, (2): 78-84.  
    Abstract1078)      PDF (1332KB)(1794)       Save
    China’s recent gestures to strengthen cooperation with Latin American nations have aroused the attention of the US. Just as is the case of China’s rise when American people expressed different ideas and attitudes, similar divergence has been demonstrated about this among various parties in America. The administration’s concerns include political cooperation between China and Latin-America, trade and energy cooperation and that in military and security. They are worried that these may weaken the American influence in Latin America, intervene with the US reform projects there, as well as pose threat to the US national security in that region. Given the powerful American influence and the limited scope of Sino-Latin American cooperation, the American government is still watching without taking specific actions. They probably mean to face up the situation rationally in the first place. They have strengthened variously measures to keep guard, though.
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    The Anti-modernist Trend of Thought: History, Theory and Challenge
    WANG Xiao-lin
    Teaching and Research    2007, (2): 42-47.  
    Abstract1127)      PDF (1352KB)(1699)       Save
    The trend of thought of anti-modernity is the result of reflection on and criticism against global modernization. It is a social trend of thought against modernity. It includes post-modernism represented by deconstructing and terminating modernity and the cultural conservatism that advocates maintenance of the tradition and rejects modernity. This trend consists of both positive and negative aspects. It offers reference for constructing social development theories characteristics of the Chinese style, and, meanwhile, challenges the rationale of values of the Chinese socialist modernization.
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    An Analysis of the Structure of Family Business
    HUANG Tai-yan, WANG Xiao-ping
    Teaching and Research    2006, (12): 12-17.  
    Abstract1263)      PDF (829KB)(1836)       Save
    Family business as an ancient business system is still active and alive in the modern market economy.It is a widespread form of business all over the world,and a family business can become prominent and powerful with lasting prosperity.Compared with the well-developed family business in the world,an important weakness of the Chinese family business lies in its characteristics of being closed.If a Chinese family business wants to develop,it needs to establish a system of management that is open and evolve from a traditional family business to a modern family business.
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    Western Evolution Theory and Chinese Modern Society
    WANG Xiao-ming
    Teaching and Research    2005, (10): 70-75.  
    Abstract1254)      PDF (2276KB)(2081)       Save
    The introduction of the evolution theory from the west has experienced four historical periods.The spread of the theory fitted into the uneasy mood of menacing social crisis among the Chinese people at large.Combination of the evolution theory with the essence of the traditional Chinese culture prompted transformation of the western discourse to the Chinese discource during which process the modern thinkers were able to undergo careful selection from the western evolution theory.The author points out that introduction of the western evolution theory has brought about dramatic changes to the traditional Chinese mode of thinking.It became a spiritual weapon for the democratic revolutionaries,and paved the way for development of the Chinese modern liberalist theories.
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