ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Perspective of the History of the Chinese Path to Modernization: Connotative Characteristics and Innovative Significance
    Ren Zhifeng
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (1): 23-30.  
    Abstract130)      PDF (7333KB)(88)       Save
    Modernization is a historical proposition with dual meanings of “temporal status” and “value judgment”. What kind of perspective of history should be established and maintained is of great significance for understanding and grasping the phenomenon, essence, process and law of modernization. In the process of modernization, countries around the world have produced three modern perspectives of history with typical significance and reflectively critical value, namely, theories of abstract objects, single determinism, and linear evolution. The historical outlook embodied in the Chinese path to modernization is an overall transcendence of previous modern perspectives of history. It is based on the worldview and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, formed in the historical process of the Communist Party of Chinas exploration and promotion of the Chinese path to modernization, and embodied in the organic unity of conforming to regularity and purpose, relying on the people and serving the people, national history and world history, and adhering to seeking truth from facts and exhibiting historical initiatives. The perspective of history embodied in the Chinese path to modernization promotes profound changes in the philosophical foundation of the view of modernization, expands the theoretical horizons of historical interpretation of modernization, deepens the regular understanding of the essential provisions of modernization, and brings to the Chinese path to modernization a high degree of historical confidence.
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