ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Is Excessive Competition the Root of LongTerm Decline in Profit Rate?——Based on Perspective of Marxism
    Zhou Zhaoyu, Hu Jun
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (3): 15-26.  
    Abstract599)      PDF (10209KB)(575)       Save
    Through the inspection of the theory of excessive competition, we can see that the root of the error of it lies in the abandonment of the theory of labor value. On the one hand, it makes Brenner unable to correctly understand the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, so he has to take competition as the starting point of analysis, reverse the relationship between the decline of profit rate and competition, and ignore the transformation of capitalism from free competition to monopoly, as well as the diversity of competition strategies among capitals in the monopoly stage. On the other hand, this makes the theory of excessive competition limited to the distribution level to find the reasons for the decline of profit rate, and ascribes the decline of general profit rate to the increase of real wages caused by excessive competition among capitals. The paradigm of its theoretical framework is from Adam Smith based on Ricardian, while the paradigm of its empirical analysis is from Adam Smith. The reason of the declining trend of profit rate lies in the relative decreasing trend of surplus value production, and the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is its theoretical expression. The law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is rooted in the fact that capital depends on the exploitation of living labor, but the way of exploitation tries to reduce living labor to the minimum.
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    The “Empowerment” Interpretation of Political Science in the Process of Democracy
    Zhao Cheng-fei, Zhu Jun-rui
    Teaching and Research   
    A Comparative Study of Marxist Theory of Public Product and the Western Theory of Public Product
    HU Jun, JIA Kai-jun
    Teaching and Research    2008, (2): 9-15.  
    Abstract1101)      PDF (1009KB)(1769)       Save
    Marxist theory of public product studies public product and the nature of public service with respect to demand and supply.It is human-oriented,holistic,from the perspectives of demand and supplies,revolving on the common needs for social existence and development in which the market is seen as a means of supplying public products.The western theory of public product,on the other hand,views individuals or consumption as the point of departure.They regard the public product as compensation for marketing dysfunction,studying the balance of demand and supply in line with consumption preference guided by requirement of marketing.Comparing the two theories of public product may help understand public product,the nature and characteristics,forms,manners of supply and criteria for selection of public service under circumstances of socialist market economy.This is of great theoretical and practical significance.
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    Comparison between Faith and Belief and Its Practical Significance
    HU Jun, ZHANG Xue-sen
    Teaching and Research    2004, (8): 79-82.  
    Abstract2990)      PDF (2419KB)(2738)       Save
    In comparing faith and belief, this article focuses on a comparison between faith in socialism and belief in Marxism. The author points out that in the new era stress should be put on establishment of faith in socialist development. The author also explains the guiding significance of the three represents and developmental conception of science from the perspective of strengthening faith in development of socialism.
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    On Relationship between Eco-Socialism and Marxism
    MENG Xin, HU Jun
    Teaching and Research    2003, (3): 51-56.  
    Abstract1156)      PDF (807KB)(1757)       Save
    Since the 1970s eco socialists have been concerned with the relationship between eco socialism and Marxism. Two camps of them can be identified, namely, the one that supports Marxist ecologic theories and the one that refutes them. In fact, the two camps take similar stands in many issues, such as relationship between man and nature, the inevitable link between capitalist system and ecological crisis, and the solution to ecological crisis. Therefore, we should not only admit the obvious link between Marxism and eco socialism, but also become aware of the profound influence of Marxism on eco socialist theories.
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    Holism Methodology of Institution Analysis and Dialectical Materialism ——Comparing Old Institutional Economics and Marxist Methodology of Economics
    HU Jun, LIU Feng yi
    Teaching and Research    2003, (2): 59-65.  
    Abstract1118)      PDF (1219KB)(1743)       Save
    Holism approach to institution analysis is deeply rooted in history. The holism methodology of institution analysis, then, is created by, representative of old institutional economics, on the basis of the methodology of a German school of history. This methodology is of idealism and metaphysics in nature and hence not scientific. It maintains certain strong points in criticizing individualist methodology, though. By contrast, methodology of institution analysis of Marxist economics is of dialectical materialism in nature and has got rid of ideas of historical idealism and metaphysics embodied in holism and individualized methodologies. For this reason, it is scientific in nature. The author concludes that it is not appropriate to classified Marxist system analysis as a holism approach.
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    Analyzing Human Beings and Their Economic Behaviors in the Light of Economics —A Comparative Study of Marxist Economics and New Systemic Economics
    HU Jun, LIU Feng-yi
    Teaching and Research    2001, (5): 35-41.  
    Abstract1187)      PDF (1463KB)(1657)       Save
    The point of departure in studying Marxist economics is always individual persons in real life situations. In the study of the new systemic economics, however, the point of departure is human beings in abstract terms categorized as individual economic man. It is true that Marxist economics recognizes personal material interests, and have the interests scientifically defined. The new systemic economics, the author maintains, only emphasizes abstract analysis of persuasion of maximum personal material interests, while neglects the social aspects of personal material interests in reality. According to Marxist economics, realization of personal interests is not merely through rational selection of individuals, but rather, it is determined by regulation of social production relations instead. The new systemic economics, on the contrary, believes that it is individual rational choice that determines realization of personal interest and in turn leads to social changes.
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