ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Enlightenment Rationality and a Critical Reconstruction of the Moral Crisis of Modernity: Based on Marx's and Nietzsche's Reflections upon Modernity#br#
    Fu Haiping
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (12): 44-52.  
    Abstract486)      PDF (7161KB)(182)       Save
    Enlightenment rationality has facilitated the religious and political emancipation of man, and produced the prosperity of capitalismHowever, it has also led to the decline of traditional values, and trapped the society into a holistic ethical and moral crisisAs a forerunner of postmodernism, Nietzsche was sensitive to problems of the modern civilization and focused on the irrational nature of the individual manHe turned to the “spiritual revolution” to reshape the individual subjectivity to overcome the moral crisis of modernityIn contrast, from the perspective of historical materialism, Marx emphasized the nature of society as the practice of man, and profoundly expounded on selfrealization, the ideal way of being, which is inherent in practiceMarx's critique of the capitalist modernity turned to material life relationsBy institutional critique and revolutionary practice, he completely devastated the foundation of the modernity crisis, and genuinely found a practical way to overcome the spiritual crisis of modernityCompared with Nietzsche's aesthetic cultural critique, Marx's theory of modernity critique based on practical existence undoubtedly shows more practicality and transcendence of the times.
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