ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Modernity from Technology Ethics to Responsibility Ethics: Comments on Hans Jonas's Theory of Ethics of Responsibility and its Reconstruction in Marxist Dimension
    Cao Yu
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (6): 81-89.  
    Abstract209)      PDF (6721KB)(92)       Save
    Since the Enlightenment, due to the supremacy of rationalism to and its unity with science and technology, instrumental (technical) rationality has developed rapidly, and has entered the arena of modernity as a heterogeneous force. This not only poses moral dilemmas of good and evil in the development and use of technology, but also raises complex ethical dilemmas in the tradeoffs of interests. In this regard, Hans Jonas explores the ethical basis of the unity of teleology and deontology, the moral basis of the unity of the right and the wrong, and the religious basis of the unity of selfdiscipline and heteronomy, which have laid the ontological foundation of discussion from technology ethics to responsibility ethics. Through holding faith in and adapting Marxism, the practice of responsibility ethics is further defined. However, due to the plural structure of the ontological basis of the ethics of responsibility and various misinterpretations of socialism, the principle of responsibility was criticized both theoretically and practically from the very beginning of its creation. However, based on the reflection on its construction and deconstruction, it provides us with a reference and guidance to deepen the research and enhance the reconstruction of Marxist view of ethics of responsibility, and to promote the reification and development of the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind in the new era in terms of responsibility.

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    PeopleCentered: The Subjective Principle of the Community of Human Destiny
    Cao Yu
    Teaching and Research    2020, 54 (8): 23-30.  
    Abstract556)      PDF (7698KB)(128)       Save
    The idea of constructing a community of human destiny undoubtedly grasps the demands of the times of peace and development in today's world. However, the misunderstandings and paranoia of modernism and postmodernism and their community ideas have brought a lot of uncertainty to this appeal. To clarify the internal connection between the construction of the community of human destiny and the confirmation of the principle of subjectivity from the perspective of theory has become one of the major topics of modern and contemporary philosophy and social science research. The community of human destiny, while examining the basis of existence, the path of construction and the purpose of its value of the community of human destiny, combined with the revolutionary construction of modern China and the development of world history, revealed the community of human destiny and the interactive and mutually constructive nature between the peoplecentered subjective principles. This not only answers the difficult problems of modern and contemporary philosophy to the confirmation of the principle of subjectivity, but also further deepens and develops Marx's idea of the subject of the people and the idea of the union of free people.
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    The Trap of Text Pragmatism:A Critique of Textual Analysis of Analytical Marxism
    CAO Yu-tao
    Teaching and Research    2009, (9): 51-55.  
    Abstract1160)      PDF (1292KB)(1746)       Save
    Analytical Marxism employs analytical philosophy to study texts of Marxism,striving to achieve clear narration and sound logic in order to restructure Marxist theories.However,as they deny dialectics,they focus only on analysis and neglect integration,and thus view Marxist ideas in the light of dogmatism and pragmatism.Even rhetoric in the texts is ignored.As a consequence of this non-dialectic and non-historical textual interpretation,they are trapped by "text pragmatism".This is the fundamental reason why they should have misunderstood Marxism.It is also a lesson we should take when we study texts of Marxism.
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