Teaching and Research ›› 2024, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 24-35.
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Abstract: Broadening and deepening the research on ideological and political education resources espoused in fine traditional Chinese culture is a valuable experience in the construction and development of the discipline of ideological and political education for 40 years. It follows the inherent regulations of the nature and goals of ideological and political education, promotes the structural optimization of content system of ideological and political education, and serves the construction of Chinas independent knowledge base of the discipline of ideological and political education. First, we should deeply explore the ideas and concepts implied by fine traditional Chinese culture, focusing on “promoting harmony between humanity and nature”, “governing by virtue” and “seek harmony among all nations” and clarifying the traditional wisdom of the Chinese nation in understanding and transforming the world. Second, we should deeply explore the spirit of humanity espoused in fine traditional Chinese culture, focusing on “vigor and action”, “the benevolent man loves others” and “paramount importance of peace” and clarifying the value orientation of the Chinese nation that values, cares for, and respects people. Third, we should deeply explore the moral norms espoused in fine traditional Chinese culture, focusing on “prioritizing righteousness over interest”, “seeking loyalty and filial piety” and “selfcultivation” and clarifying the choices of values of the Chinese nation in correctly handling the relationship between righteousness and interest, family and country, and self and others, in order to better consolidate the cultural foundation of epistemology, essentialism and methodology of ideological and political education, and give full play to the role of ideological and political education as value guidance and educational regulation.
Key words: fine traditional Chinese culture, ideological and political education, ideas and thoughts, the spirit of humanity, moral norms
摘要: 深化中华优秀传统文化蕴含的思想政治教育资源研究,是思想政治教育学科40年建设发展的宝贵经验,其遵循思想政治教育本质与目标的内在规定,推动思想政治教育内容体系的结构优化,服务中国自主的思想政治教育学科知识体系建构。应深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含的思想观念,聚焦天人合一、为政以德、天下大同,讲清楚中华民族在认识世界和改造世界方面的传统智慧;深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含的人文精神,聚焦刚健有为、仁者爱人、以和为贵,讲清楚中华民族重视人、关注人、尊重人的价值取向;深入挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含的道德规范,聚焦以义制利、以孝求忠、修身养性,讲清楚中华民族正确处理义与利、家与国、人与我等关系的价值选择,更好地夯实思想政治教育认识论、本质论和方法论的文化根基,更好地发挥思想政治教育的价值引导和教化规约功能。
关键词: 中华优秀传统文化, 思想政治教育, 思想观念, 人文精神, 道德规范
Shan Wenpeng. Ideological and Political Education Resources Espoused in Fine Traditional Chinese Culture[J]. Teaching and Research, 2024, 58(6): 24-35.
单文鹏. 中华优秀传统文化蕴含的思想政治教育资源[J]. 教学与研究, 2024, 58(6): 24-35.
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