ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

《教学与研究》 ›› 2008, Vol. ›› Issue (9): 52-58.DOI:

• 当代世界经济与政治 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院, 北京, 102249
  • 收稿日期:2008-07-20 出版日期:2008-09-20 发布日期:2012-03-06
  • 基金资助:

Institutional Analysis of China’s Participation in UN Regulations against Torture

LIU Zhen-ye   

  1. School of Politics and Public Administration, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 102249, China
  • Received:2008-07-20 Online:2008-09-20 Published:2012-03-06

摘要: 自20世纪80年代中国加入联合国禁止酷刑规范体系以来,中国就积极加入了相关国际公约,广泛开展了与世界各国和地区及联合国禁止酷刑工作机构的合作,加快了国内行政立法司法体系改革。对于中国参与禁止酷刑规范的原因和动力的解释,学界主要有"策略论"、"刺激—反应论"、"有利论"等几种观点,但都因偏于简单的"预期结果逻辑"推理而缺乏足够的解释力。本文依据社会学制度主义的"社会适应性逻辑",从制度为参与者提供的"意义架构"、"认知向度"、"社会合法性"、共享议题网络的"认知地图"以及制度与参与者之间的"同构性特征"等五个方面对上述问题做出了新的解释。

关键词: 联合国禁止酷刑规范, 中国参与, 社会学制度主义, “社会适应性逻辑”

Abstract: Ever since the entry into the UN System of Regulations against Torture,China has been actively involved in related international conventions,and cooperated with UN institutions against torture and similar organizations of various countries and regions in the world.The steps of reform in the system of administration,legislation and justice are quickened.There have been three different interpretations in the academic circle about the causes and motives for China to participate in regulations against tortures,namely,the strategy theory,the stimulus-response theory,and the beneficial theory.However,all three tend to reason on the simple expected results logic and are not sufficiently persuasive.This paper attempts to refer to the theory of social adaptive logic of sociological institutionalism to offer a new interpretation by analyzing five aspects the institution provides for the participants,namely,meaning construct,cognitive dimension,social legitimacy,the cognitive map about the shared issue network,and common characters of the participants.

Key words: UN Regulation against Torture, China’s participation, sociological institutionalism, social adaptive logic
