ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

教学与研究 ›› 2025, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (1): 5-21.

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  1. 中国人民大学马克思主义学院
  • 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-14
  • 作者简介:齐鹏飞,中国人民大学马克思主义学院教授、中国人民大学台港澳研究中心主任(北京 100872)。
  • 基金资助:

“Change” and “Continuity” from the Perspective of Economic Development: Historical Experiences and Practical Insights from 25 Years since Macaos Return to the Motherland

  1. School of Marxism Studies, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Online:2025-01-15 Published:2025-01-14

摘要: 回归25年来,具有澳门特色的“一国两制”实践取得举世瞩目成就,经济实现了跨越式发展,各项事业全面进步,开创了澳门历史上最好的发展局面,走出了一条继续保持祖国内地对外开放之“窗口、桥梁、国际通道”,以及“超级联系人”的“传统特色”和“区位优势”,全面推进“一中心、一平台、一基地”为目标定位的经济适度多元和可持续发展,亦即继续保持繁荣稳定而致澳门特色的“一国两制”实践持正革新、行稳致远的经济建设新路,不断丰富和深化了“一国两制”理论创新与实践创新的具体内容,其中所蕴含的丰富而深刻的历史经验和现实启示值得我们认真梳理和总结。

关键词: 澳门回归25年, “一国两制”, 跨越式发展, 经济适度多元化, “一中心、一平台、一基地”

Abstract: Over the past 25 years since Macao's return to the motherland, the practice of “one country, two systems” with Macao characteristics has achieved remarkable success, garnering worldwide attention. Macao has experienced leapfrog economic development and made comprehensive progress across various sectors, achieving the best ever development in history. It has embarked on a path that continues to serve as a “window, bridge, and international channel” for Chinas opening to the world, while leveraging its “traditional characteristics” and “geographical advantages” as a “super contact person”. Macao has also comprehensively promoted appropriately diversified and sustainable economic development with the goal of building “one center, one platform, and one base”. This represents a new path of economic development that ensures sustained prosperity and stability, advancing the practice of “one country, two systems” with Macao characteristics in an innovative and steady manner. The theoretical and practical innovations of “one country, two systems” have been continuously enriched and deepened, offering rich and profound historical experiences and practical insights that merit careful review and reflection. 

Key words: 25 years since Macao's return to the motherland, “one country, two systems”, leapfrog development, appropriate economic diversification, “one center, one platform, one base”