ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4


• 马克思主义基本理论 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 清华大学马克思主义学院
  • 出版日期:2018-04-16 发布日期:2018-04-16
  • 作者简介:何海燕,清华大学马克思主义学院博士后;王峰明,清华大学马克思主义学院教授(北京 100084)。

Multi Dimensional Perspective of Marxs Theory of Freedom and Liberation of Man——On the Continuous Influence of Idealist Alienation View of History

He Haiyan, Wang Fengming   

  1. School of Marxism, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
  • Online:2018-04-16 Published:2018-04-16

摘要: 国内学界对马克思人的自由和解放理论的研究,肇始于20世纪80年代初期关于人道主义与异化问题的讨论,并形成了人道主义与马克思主义两种研究思路。随后经过30多年的持续演化,先后出现了多种研究视角、范式和方法。这种多维度透视和阐释极大地推进了马克思人的自由和解放理论乃至整个马克思主义哲学理论研究,但人道主义与马克思主义、异化史观与唯物史观二元并存和对峙的格局始终没有改变,近年来甚至有日益加强的趋势。“现实的人”不是“人”,这是异化史观所无法摆脱的一种理论悖论。在新的历史条件下,重申唯物史观与异化史观的本质性区别,无论对于社会主义核心价值观建设还是对于中国特色社会主义建设,都具有极为重要的理论意义和实践价值。

关键词: 人的自由与解放 , 研究视角与范式 , 异化史观 , 唯物史观


The academic study of Marxs theory of freedom and liberation began in the early 1980s, which discusses humanitarianism and alienation, and formed two research ideas of humanism and Marxism. After more than 30 years of continuous evolution, a variety of research perspectives, paradigms and methods have emerged. This multidimensional perspective and interpretation greatly promoted the theory of Marxs theory of freedom and liberation and even the whole Marxist philosophy theory. But the pattern of coexistence and confrontation between humanitarianism and Marxism, alienation view and materialist conception of history has not changed, which in recent years has been even more and more intensified. The “real man” is not  “man”, which is a theoretical paradox that the dissimilation history can not get rid of. Under the new historical conditions, reaffirming the essential difference between historical materialism and alienation view of history is of great theoretical significance and practical value no matter for the construction of socialist core values or for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Key words: human freedom and liberation , research perspectives and paradigms , alienation view of history , historical materialism