ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Implication of “The Essence of Ideological and Political Education Is to Bring Out the Facts and Reasons”
    Zhang Zhi
    Teaching and Research    2022, 56 (11): 89-96.  
    Abstract359)      PDF (6761KB)(220)       Save
    General Secretary Xi Jinping made the remarks during a visit to Renmin University of China that “the essence of ideological and political education is to bring out the facts and reasons”, which has profound implications. The essence of ideological and political courses is to bring out the facts and reasons, which reflects the Party’s deep grasp of the nature of ideological and political education, its high confidence in the content of ideological and political education, and its full trust in teachers and young students in ideological and political courses, and also points out the fundamental direction of promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political education in the new era. To promote the inclusive and highquality development of ideological and political education in the new era, we should focus on enhancing the quality of the instructional material system, consolidating academic research, integrating social practices, and innovating teaching methods. We should explain the Chinese approach, the Chinese governance, the basis of China‘s strength,the principles that China follows, and the Chinese dream accurately, profoundly, thoroughly, and vigorously. We should scientifically answer the questions about China, the world, the people, the times, and the youth. We should educate and guide young students to strengthen their self-confidence, identify their comparative advantages, adhere to “putting the people first”, cultivate their theoretical thinking, and strive to be newcomers of the times.

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     Revolution of Mercantilism Economics: Significance, Contribution and Realistic Value#br#
    Jia Gen-liang, Zhang Zhi
    Teaching and Research   
    A Third Road:New Model of Development of Capitalism in the Contemporary Era
    Chen Zehua, Zhang Zhiyong
    Teaching and Research    1999, (11): 27-32,80.  
    Abstract1313)      PDF (742KB)(1788)       Save
    The author holds that the so-called third road is put forward on the basis of summarizing the new Keynes and new liberalism, the traditional leftist and rightist theories. It is a thorough adjustment of the capitaist camp after World War Ⅱ. The third road, according to Mr. Blair, the British Prime Minister, is an attempt to seek social juctice in balance between individualism and traditional government interference, and democratic cooperation among different social classes; while Mr. Clinton, the American President, believes that the third road is a free market economy composed of the enterprises, laborers, the goverment, investors and consumers as well. What the third road is supposed to solve is how to coordinate functions of the government and the free market, government control and democracic liaison. It is a reform of management that does not change the nature or the fate of capitalism in any substantial way.
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