ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Principle of Love and Sensibility: Marx's Critique of Feuerbach's Philosophical Transformation
    Zhang Wenxi
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (4): 16-27.  
    Abstract58)      PDF (13120KB)(28)       Save
    For a time, Feuerbach formed an important link in the intrinsic connection between Hegel and Marx. In departing from Hegels philosophy, Feuerbach proposed the concept of man, with the focus descending from abstract God to real humans. This concept is deeply rooted in ancient astronomy. It coincides with the shift in perspectives from the celestial order to the laws of the earth. Feuerbachs philosophy suggests that since celestial bodies are of its own kind, man on earth should also be integrated in a whole rather than fragmented in terms of intuitive individuals. However, from the perspective of Marxs conception of human society, Feuerbach intuitively expresses the existence of the idea of divine man. In order to solve the problem of the unity of people based on their actual differences, Marx bids farewell to philosophy and turns to mans objective activities. Under the guise of discussing philosophical propositions, Marxs original intention is to promote the transformation of Feuerbachs philosophy. It is clear that in the modern world, we should conduct new critiques on the idea that man exists because of sensual intuition and love, and in particular, on Feuerbachs philosophical principles of gender. Feuerbachs anthropology provides a prelude to the desire of man as a whole to live in harmony with nature.
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    An Examination of “Historical Generativism” and “Historical Determinism”
    Bian Weiwei, Zhang Wenxi
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (8): 41-49.  
    Abstract1700)      PDF (6647KB)(341)       Save
    Both the logic of Hegel's philosophy of history and the logic of Marx's historical materialism start from a presumption of “history”. Different opinions of the “law of history” lead to different conceptions of the “history”. Historical materialism holds that history is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims. This indicates that its “ontology of history” is not about the “law of reason” in the sense of Hegel's philosophy of history, but is about the “law of practice”. Historical generativism is a conception of history based on historical materialism as understood with the materialist dialectical thinking. It respresents an understanding of Marx's materialist dialectical thinking that history is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims. In contrast, historical determinism is a conception of history in the sense of materialism as understood with the “thinking of understanding”, showing a transcendence of Hegel's idealistic dialectics that history is a rational process. The limit of historical determinism lies in that it obscures the meaning of the dialectical relations between social being and social consciousness. However, the rationality of historical generativism lies in that it accurately defines the nature of history as the philosophical representation of the “law of the practical history”, instead of trying to propose an abstract “general philosophy of history” concerning the sociohistorical development.
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