ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    From Moral and Political Theory to Human Liberation: Marx's Transcendence of “Rousseau's Paradox”
    Zhang Dang
    Teaching and Research    2024, 58 (6): 46-56.  
    Abstract51)      PDF (9193KB)(37)       Save
    In his critique of modern political philosophy based on natural principles, Rousseau emphasizes that modern society and its unequal relationships have led people to spiritual poverty, and points out that private properties are the main cause of the contradiction between rich and poor and the state of slavery in the process of reconstructing the theory of social history. Although Rousseau focuses on criticizing the issue of wealth inequality caused by private property rights, he cannot escape the recognition of private properties but advocates the reconstruction of a moral and politicalcentered society on the basis of private property rights, thus forming the “Rousseaus paradox”. In inheriting while criticizing Rousseaus political philosophy, Marx not only recognizes the deep causes of human alienation, but also clarifies the ineffectiveness of moral and political theory from the perspective of the proletariat, and then points out that only by eliminating private ownership and rebuilding individual ownership can human liberation and the truly equality of social relationships be realized. This is not only Marxs transcendence of the “Rousseaus paradox”, but also the core essence of Marxs political philosophy.

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