ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    A Literature Review of Political Communication in the West
    ZHANG Xiao-feng, JING Xue-min
    Teaching and Research    2009, (7): 76-85.  
    Abstract1169)      PDF (2355KB)(2279)       Save
    With the bloom of researches in humanities and social sciences in the 20th century,the study of political communication has aroused the research interest of many scholars both at home and abroad. The study of political communication is multidisciplinary in nature,which involves new research fields in such disciplines as communication studies,history,journalism,mass communication,political study,psychology,sociology and so on. This paper discusses the historical course,theoretical schools,methodology and discipline construct of the study of modern political communication in the west with the intention of offering theoretical references for the newly arising discipline "the study of Chinese political communication".
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    Summary of Research in Political Symbolism in the West
    ZHANG Xiao-feng, LÜ Yan-jun
    Teaching and Research    2004, (10): 83-90.  
    Abstract1112)      PDF (2852KB)(1545)       Save
    The theory of political symbolism, which is among the mainstream theories of mass communication, came into being between the 1930s and 1940s. However, it did not gain wide acknowledgement in politics until 1980s. Political symbolism as a discipline applies the methodology of psychology, sociology, anthropology and so on, in analyzing the special political phenomenon of political symbolism in modern society from many perspectives. Scholars like Graham Wallas,C. Merriam,H. Lasswell,Edalman have made great contributions to the development and perfection of the theory. This article attempts to introduce the background, the theoretical framework and representatives of the theory of political symbolism, which is expected to shed light on studies of political promulgation in China.
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