ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On Global Terrorism Activities in 2006
    ZHANG Jia-dong
    Teaching and Research    2007, (5): 73-81.  
    Abstract1099)      PDF (1183KB)(1602)       Save
    The year 2006 witnessed the most terrorist activities and the worst terrorist casualties around the world ever since a reliable database of terrorism was established.Geographically speaking,the arc area covering the Middle East,South Asia,and the Southeast Asia is one where the most violent terrorist activities take place,most of which are in the form of explosion and armed raid.But the percentage of explosion declined while the percentage of armed raids climbed in the past year.As for the objectives of terrorist attack,the police,civilians,and the government are the primary targets in 2006.The author concludes that a mixture of the globalized motives of terrorism,localization of terrorist activities and sources of terrorists has posed serious problems and severe challenges for international anti-terrorism collaboration.
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