ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    A Review of Studies on Correctly Handle Internal Contradictions among the People: the Current Situation and Future Prospect
    ZHANG Hua
    Teaching and Research    2007, (10): 70-76.  
    Abstract1160)      PDF (2082KB)(1675)       Save
    After the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, with the advocating of constructing harmonious society, a new wave of studies on this paper has brought about new findings. Several suggestions for the next stage of the study are offered, collection of fundamental resources for the study should be strengthened, attention should be drawn to the heritage and development made by the Party leadership concerning the ideas of corredtly handling the internal contradictions among the people, and watch closely any progress and changes in this field in the course of constructing socialist harmonious society.
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    On the 1975 Rectification and Deng Xiaoping’s Meditation on Socialism
    ZHANG Hua
    Teaching and Research    2004, (8): 53-58.  
    Abstract1093)      PDF (2676KB)(1576)       Save
    This article analyzes the rectification charged by Deng Xiaoping in 1975 through the i-deas he raised and measures he took that year, which were the results of Deng Xiaoping’s reflection over the "great cultural revolution". From that reflection he acknowledged the right approach to socialism the Party had adopted and the new approach he was to adopt against the international situation. These ideas and measures show Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts about socialism well before the "great cultural revolution" was over. His thought has inserted important influence on history later on.
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