ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On the Environment Diplomacy of the United States:Development,Motives and Means
    YU Hong-yuan, TANG Wei
    Teaching and Research    2009, (9): 62-69.  
    Abstract1138)      PDF (1639KB)(1782)       Save
    The emergence of environment in the agenda of American diplomacy clearly reflect the cooperations and the contradictions among different camps like the developing countries and other developed ones,different interest groups inside and outside America,American government and American Citizens.Like many things American environmental diplomacy has two faces.For one,United States make great effort cooperating with other nations to promote sustainable development,prevent the earth from being further deteriorated;for another,It also try every way to extend the interest of their own,expand its international influence thus remain hegemonic position in the world.The authors conclude that Obama administration will return to the multilateral diplomacy of environment and demand other countries shoulder more responsibilities.
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    Negotiating International Climate Regime: the Implications for China
    YU Hong-yuan, WANG Jian
    Teaching and Research    2008, (9): 73-79.  
    Abstract1208)      PDF (1689KB)(1678)       Save
    Negotiating international regimes means coordination and bargaining between or among different actors in collective actions.The development of climate change regime building depends on frangibility,uncertainty,fairness and efficiency.Competition and collaboration among or between powers are critical for climate change regime.China shows great vulnerabilities in the face of global warming,and it also the largest energy and resource consumer in the World.China plays an proactive role in global regime building.It provides he strongest support for "Common but Differential Responsibilities",protect the developing world,and make great contribution to global climate change regime building.
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