ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Dialectical Materialism as Scientific Concept of Development by Lenin
    YI Jie-xiong
    Teaching and Research    2007, (5): 51-55.  
    Abstract1172)      PDF (946KB)(1637)       Save
    In Lenin’s opinion,the scientific concept of development is expressed by dialectical materialist methodology and world outlook.The criterion for being scientific lies in the recognition that the internal contradiction is the source of development,the recognition of the fact that in the course of development are not only quantitative measure of changes,but also interruption in the gradual development,sudden changes,and qualitative measures of the changes.The principles of scientific concept of development applies to human society as well as nature and human recognition.Lenin’s idea of dialectical materialism,that is,Marxist philosophy as scientific concept of development,is mainly recorded in eight notebooks of his when he stayed in the city of Bern in Swiss and concentrated on studies of philosophy in 1914 and 1915.
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