ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On the Lineage of State Autonomy Theory
    ZHANG Yong, YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2010, (5): 46-52.  
    Abstract1344)      PDF (1477KB)(1785)       Save
    State autonomy is a concept having been prevailed since 1980s in international academic circle of social science.In the history of political study,Karl Marx has taken attention to state autonomy while raising the instrumental characteristic of state.Subsequently,such neo-Marxists as Nicos Poulantzas and Ralph Miliband expounded and developed the theory of state autonomy systematically and thought that state autonomy is a kind of general but not exceptional phenomenon.Influenced by the state concept of Max Webber,the school of "Bring the state back in" further thought that,as an institutional system,state itself is autonomous from society.Furthermore,international academic has developed a research approach centered with state.Since then,state autonomy has became a research approach from an academic concept.
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    On the Research Agenda and Research Methods of Political Science in China
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2008, (7): 28-32.  
    Abstract1192)      PDF (1141KB)(1638)       Save
    The article starts with a discussion of "nomalization" of political science.In the light of this discussion,the author raises the proposition of "context,agenda and methodology" in researches of political science.The author holds that research methods are determined by the research agenda,and the research agenda is determined by the political context of a country.It is the current political reality of China that determines that the "important issues" should be the priority of political studies in China.
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    On Interpretability and Application of Theories of State Structure
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2007, (7): 42-48.  
    Abstract1191)      PDF (1275KB)(1810)       Save
    The theory of state structure was made in the process of Western nation-state building in perspective of old institutionalism.In the process of global institutional change,the theory can’t really reflect changing central-local relations concerned.This article calls for reviewing the traditional theory of state structure,using the conception of"relationship among governments"instead of"form of state structure",and replacing static depictation of political relations based laws with dynamic exploration of political economic process,which will tell the distinctions between de facto federalism and de jure federalism.
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    Contribution and Misconception of Olson’s Collective Action Theory—— An Interpretation of New Institutionism
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2006, (1): 64-71.  
    Abstract1259)      PDF (1410KB)(1895)       Save
    The author holds that Olson’s contribution lies in his findings about the difficulties of unorganized large group collective actions.His hypothesis of "free-rider" can also explain the once-and-for-all game for interests.But there are serious limitations in Olson’s theory.They are as follows:applying the logic of collective action of large groups to analyze that of small groups;using the result of one attempt to explain the complicated situation of the rise and fall of a country and the consequences of many rounds of interest plays;his denial of the traditional group theory,the traditional pluralist theory and the traditional theory of the state violated the fundamental historical facts of institutional evolution;being a Hobesist he completely ignored the institutional and moral restrictions;and the interest group which Olson regarded as a decisive factor is but of sub-political system.His academic position finally changed from rational choice to institutional economics.
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    Political Science: From Classicism to Neo-Classicism
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2005, (9): 40-48.  
    Abstract1219)      PDF (1525KB)(1601)       Save
    In the continuous development of political science are both revolutional rebellions and inheritance. The classicist political studies established a legacy of wholism with the institution at the center and integrating the institution with values. Behaviorism and rational choice which rebell against the tradition, belong to the science of behavior from the perspective of individualism. The neo-institutionalism which centers around the institution shows characters of both wholism and individualism. It offers possibilities for integration of political studies, and may serve as a bridge to new classicist political science. New classicist political science include institution-centeredness, combination of political science and political philosophy, and integration of wholism and individualism as well.
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    Development of Neo-institutional Politics in China
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2005, (1): 45-52.  
    Abstract1317)      PDF (2862KB)(1708)       Save
    This article examines the basic ideas and problems of historical institutionalism and rational choice of institutionalism,which are major schools of neo-institutional politics.On the basisof this review,the author believes that it is necessary to integrate these theories.Neo-institutionalpolitics is applied by Chinese scholars to analyze the relation between the government and the enterprises as is revealed by the reform of state-owned enterprises,discuss the overall political andeconomic changes brought about by the reform and open-up policies,and explain the political development and institutional construction in modern China.On the other hand,the author pointsout,Chinese scholars usually compare the theories of institutional changes with Marxist conception of state,which leads to a theoretical paradigm of wholism different from either the intermediate organization determinedness or the individual preference determinedness in neo-institutional-ism.
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    On New Theories of States
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2004, (7): 64-69.  
    Abstract1046)      PDF (2567KB)(1596)       Save
    An important achievement in political science since 1980s has been found in the most traditional theory of state. In view of the state-society relation, Giddens proposed that the new types of states included the traditional state, the absolutist states, and the nation-state. North, the representative of neo-institutionalism, explained loss and gains of the first modern states with theory of dilemma of state intentions. Huntington, on the other hand, summarized theory of state transition in the light of the political changes of many states during the 1970s and 1980s. This paper attempts to testify the validity and reliability of these theories based on evidence from the process of modernization of China and other major powers.
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    Ideology and Cause of the Cold War
    YANG Guang-bin
    Teaching and Research    2000, (3): 29-34.  
    Abstract1321)      PDF (837KB)(2434)       Save
    The dominating aspect of ideology in American foreign policy making is democratic capitalism, which became anti\|communist doctrines after the world wars. Evidence of this can be found in Truman doctrine, Mr. X and NSC-68, which are all important references for studying the cause of the cold war. On the other hand, due to complicated political procedures at home, heads of American governments tend to resort to political propaganda to overcome obstacles in order to get their policies legalized. Obviously, ideology can function as a useful means for this end. In this sense the cause of the cold war can be considered as a most classical case for studying the role ideology plays in American foreign affairs.
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