ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    Analysis on the Forming Mechanism of China’s Self-role Perception
    XU Zheng-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2010, (1): 59-66.  
    Abstract1195)      PDF (2064KB)(1727)       Save
    Since the mid-1990s,China started to make great efforts to assume the role of a responsible power along with her rapid economic development and expanding international influence.Thus,her self-perception of this role has gradually formed and developed.With the influence of variables like material power,subjective will and expectations of others,and based on the internal learning mechanics of imitation and acquisition as well as the external socialization mechanics of incentives and pressure,the forming mechanism of China’s self-perceived role has shifted from a model of rational selection to the model of legitimacy.
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    China’s Self-identity Construction as a Responsible Power in the Post-cold War Era
    Li Bao-jun, Xu Zheng-yuan
    Teaching and Research    2006, (1): 49-56.  
    Abstract1368)      PDF (1216KB)(2261)       Save
    Since the 1990s,with the rapid rise of China’s power,China began to construct its own identity as a responsible power in response to the widespread"Chian threat" theory.The self-identity construction is embodied in the level of ideas,such as the promotion of "new security concept" and "cultural diversification",and in the level of diplomatic practice,namely toward the big powers,developing countries and the multilateral international regimes.China’s self-identity construction has won praise worldwide,especially from the neighbors.Meanwhile,however,it also needs to be noticed that the difference in the perception of power and responsibility between China and other counties still exists and China’s identity construction faces a variety of external dilemma and internal constraints.
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