ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On Talent Cultivation and International Competency of China and India
    WEI Ling
    Teaching and Research    2010, (4): 86-91.  
    Abstract1465)      PDF (1726KB)(3096)       Save
    The comparison of China and India in international competency is in effect an overall comparison with emphases on their economic power and innovation capacity in science and technology.It has been generally agreed that cultivation of talents and management of human resources have become the critical factors of improving a country’s comprehensive power and international competency.Supported by evidence from a survey of university students,the researcher is able to examine the true situation of the university students from a new perspective,including their ideas,their cognition and their affection.Following the comparison of China and India in international competency and talent cultivation,the author further interprets the vision of the university students with the purpose of sharing the findings with other educators working in higher education.
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    An Analysis of the American-Indian Relation and Its Influence on China
    WEI Ling
    Teaching and Research    2007, (5): 67-72.  
    Abstract1230)      PDF (1204KB)(1680)       Save
    In recent years,the American-Indian relation has been continuously improved.For the United States,cooperation with India is of strategic significance to maintaining the American interest in politics,economy and security in Asian.For India,this relation may lead to improved economic and military strength,increasing influence on international affairs,and thus move closer to its goal of becoming a big power in Asian and,hopefully,in the world.India also expects that this relation will mean added advantages in its relation with China.However,even though the American-Indian relation has been strengthened,the goals the two countries aim at are conflicting,the United States striving for a leading position in its global strategy and India aiming at a big power in the world.The American-Indian relation is after all one of mutual cooperation and competition,each side taking advantage of the other.Consequently,the effect of their cooperation is restricted.Given the impact China’s rising has on the two countries,neither will improve the American-Indian relation at the expense of developing relation with China.
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    Interpreting the Economic and Trade Relation between China and India from a Strategic Perspective
    WEI Ling
    Teaching and Research    2005, (9): 61-66.  
    Abstract1123)      PDF (992KB)(1717)       Save
    For 55 years since China established normal diplomatic relation with India, the relation between the two has been characterized as "close political relation leads to close economic relation", and "cold political relation leads to cold economic relation". As both are developing countries with rapid development, there is still much room for economic cooperation. The author holds that promoting trade between China and India is a crucial step for us to open up the South Asian markets, to establish multiple markets and to realize our strategies of economic development. Besides, it will also result in stronger Chinese influence on the South Asian countries, and the strategies stabilize situations along the border line.
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