ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On the Enhancement of Marx’s Philosophical Ideas in His Late Years——From Historical Materialism to World History
    WANG Dong, JIA Xiang-yun
    Teaching and Research    2011, (3): 5-11.  
    Abstract1306)      PDF (2705KB)(1742)       Save
    The notes Marx left behind made in his late years are of a great theoretical treasure house.The study of these notes lends great help for us to better interpret the theoretical contents and essence of Marx’s thoughts in his late years,and deepens our understanding of the creative philosophical ideas as reflected in these thoughts.Marx did not give up the task of writing Das Kapital then,nor was he "dying slow".Instead,he was working on expanding and deepening the theory of historical materialism on the basis of scrutinized inspections and comprehensive studies of the new form of world development.Thus,he succeeded in enhancing his theory in view of world history and achieved a major philosophical innovation.
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    From Rousseau to Marx:A Comparative Study of Political Philosophy
    WANG Dong, WANG Xiao-hong
    Teaching and Research    2007, (6): 28-35.  
    Abstract1179)      PDF (1627KB)(2378)       Save
    The dual nature of relationship between Marx and Rousseau is marked by inheritance and transcendence.For the former,Rousseau’s philosophies,particularly his political philosophy,are one of the important theoretical sources of Marx’s new modern political philosophy.For the latter,Marx had accomplished fundamental transformation of and transcendence over Rousseau’s political philosophy.
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    Construct of the Content System of Ideological and Political Education in Human Concern
    WANG Dong-li
    Teaching and Research    2005, (2): 85-90.  
    Abstract1133)      PDF (2661KB)(1762)       Save
    Ideological and political education, in essence, is carried out through activities aimed at human development. It is a typical discipline of humanities marked by human concerns. Construct of its content system is hierarchical in nature. It is a process from the low to the high, from the surface to the deep, embracing elements from concerns with the most basic needs of human beings to guidance of the human mind towards the ultimate pursuit. The author maintains that care about people’s well-being in ideological and political education should aim at human development from the perspectives of attending to human needs, meeting the human needs, up-grading the spirit, enriching the mind, awakening the ego, shaping the personality, fostering ethical ideas, building up the spiritual realm, and guiding the ultimate concern as well.
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    Three Innovations in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics——Theoretical Innovations of Three Generations of Chinese Communist Party Leadership
    WANG Dong
    Teaching and Research    2001, (6): 5-11.  
    Abstract1175)      PDF (1151KB)(1599)       Save
    Three innovations have been attempted by the three generations of Chinese leadership. The first innovation was initiated by the first generation of Chinese Communist Party leadership represented by Mao Zedong. The ideas can be found in such works as ON NEW DEMOCRATISM and ON TEN RELATIONS. The second innovation was made by the second generation of leadership represented by Deng Xiaoping. The major ideas were presented in the keynote address delivered at the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11 th Party Congress and in Talks Given during Trips to South China. The third innovation was proposed by the third generation of Party leadership represented by Jiang Zemin. The ideas include the 12 Major Relations put forward in 1995, Project for the Tenth Five-year Plan, and the “Three Represents”. These are the general guidelines for development of China in the 21 st century. All three innovations respectively stand for the start, the major breakout and continuity of exploring possibilities of socialism characteristic of the Chinese style, and actualization of the second tide of localization of Marxism in China.
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    On Influence of Chinese Culture on Ideological and Political Education and Its Implications
    WANG Dong-li
    Teaching and Research    2001, (11): 64-68.  
    Abstract1063)      PDF (1312KB)(1880)       Save
    This article points out that the spirit of Chinese culture exercises heavy influence on ideological and political education in the new era in both the content it covers and the manner in which it is delivered. The author then dwells on the influence and implications of Chinese culture at these two levels with the conclusion that in conducting ideological and political education we must resort to the spirit of Chinese culture as a reference resource. Accomplishing creative transfer of the Chinese cultural tradition and making it an important component of socialist civilization and advanced culture is a task of ideological and political education.
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    Development Course of Deng Xiaoping Theory during the Twenty Years of Reform and Openup
    Wang Dong
    Teaching and Research    1998, (8): 24-29.  
    Abstract1155)      PDF (857KB)(1971)       Save
    Twenty years of reform and open-up can be divided into three stages. The starting stage begins in 1978 and ends in 1984. It has three drive wheels, that is, the so-called“liberation of thoughts, rural reform, and open-up to the outside world”. The period between 1984 and 1991 composes the second stage. During this stage the reform gradually goes to the depth of reform of the system. There are three sources of action for this stage referred to as “reform of the system, rural enterprises, cultural construction and political reform”. The third stage is from 1992 to the present. It is during this period of time that we finally arrive at the crucial stage of systemic transition and innovation of the system with the characteristics of three waves at the turn of the century: “socialist market economy, completed open-up, economic acceleration”. Likewise, with these as the main basis of practice, Deng Xiaoping theory has experienced three stages of development, namely, foundation of the core ideas, formation of the general framework, and maturity of the scientific theoretical system. The originality of Deng Xiaoping theory lies in its analysis of the nature of socialism. It is under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory that we have realized three transitions. In terms of the goal of the system, “class struggle as the key link”is channeled into “construction of modern economy as the central task”; in terms of mechanics of operation, the traditional planned economy has evolved into socialist market economy; and in terms of foreign relations, the enclosed or semienclosed condition is turned into completion of independent open-up.
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    Renaissance and Innovation of the Chinese Civilization
    Zhang Dai-nian, Wang Dong
    Teaching and Research    1997, (5): 9-14,63.  
    Abstract1045)      PDF (1127KB)(1714)       Save
    “Where is China heading for?” Throughout the 20th century three answers to this question have been suggested. The first one is a liberal view of complete Westernization. The second is a conservative view for the revival of Confucianism.And the third one is Marxist view of synthetic innovation. The Chinese Communists have always been adhering to the third view. It started with Mao Zedong’s idea of eclectic method and new democracy in 1940s.In 1980s Deng put forward his policy of opening up to the outside world and setting up socialism characteristic of the Chinese style,which represents the mainstream thought as well as the right direction of modernization of culture. The Chinese culture in the 21st century will aim at constructing a new socialist civilization characteristic of the Chinese style with ten important historic innovations. The 21st century will find a powerful,affluent,democratic,civilized and socialist modern China,with novel systems of values and methodolgy,“Great vessels will be long in completion”. But the modern renaissance of a new form of Chinese civilization will make great contribution to formation of a new civilization in the world.
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    Current Chinese Economic Takeoff:Essence,Mechanism and Process
    Wang Dong
    Teaching and Research    1996, (1): 20-25,79.  
    Abstract1016)      PDF (2742KB)(1540)       Save
    This article points out that the essence of the Chinese economic takeoff is the revolution of productive forces:its inner-mechanics are the scientific and technological revolution,industrial revolution,commercial revolution,and revolution of productive forces. The whole process is divided into three periods:the run-up period,the critical period,and the perfection period. In the course of this process,that is,between 1980 and 2020,there are 4 stages:the 1980s as its beginning stage. the 1990s as its summit period. the first decade of the 21st century as its sustaining stage and the 2nd decade as the gliding stape.
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