ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Logic of New Modernity in the Chinese Road
    Tang Aijun
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (8): 60-67.  
    Abstract431)      PDF (6091KB)(150)       Save
    Concepts such as classical modernity, capital modernity, multiple modernity and reflexive modernity cannot effectively explain the Chinese road, which is a road of new modernity different from previous modernization modes. First, the Chinese road transcends the logic of capital modernity and exhibits the “logic of the socialist system”. Second, the Chinese road transcends the traditional socialist logic and absorbs the “logic of the market economy”. Third, the Chinese road transcends the “logic of serial development” in the West, and shows a “logic of parallel development” characterized by the newtype industrialization.
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