ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Conceptual Innovation in the Construction of the Body of Knowledge of International Relations in China
    Tian Ye
    Teaching and Research    2023, 57 (4): 29-40.  
    Abstract217)      PDF (8753KB)(125)       Save
    Concepts are the basic elements of a body of knowledge. In the formation and development of the discipline of international relations, a series of concepts have been produced, which can be divided into those generated in the thought and practice of international relations in premodern times, those created in the construction of modern international relations theories, and those transplanted from other disciplines to the field of international relations. In view of the fact that the existing concepts generated in premodern international relations thought and practice mainly come from the West, Chinese scholars have begun to explore and interpret the classical Chinese concepts of international relations, generate new concepts based on the analysis of the international system in various regions of ancient Asia, and contract or expand the scope of application of the existing concepts. For the concepts created in the construction of modern international relations theories, Chinese scholars have redefined the existing concepts by identifying their origins, clarifying their differences and seeking common ground, making new wine in old bottles, and classifying them into different categories, and created new concepts by adding adjectives to the existing concepts and combining two existing concepts. Under the interdisciplinary trend of research in social sciences, Chinese scholars in international relations have consciously borrowed concepts from other disciplines to describe empirical facts in the field of international relations, and redefined concepts from other disciplines according to the characteristics of the field of international relations. In the process of constructing the independent body of knowledge that originates in China, the conceptual innovation provides the necessary foundation for the construction of the body of knowledge of international relations in China.
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    International Institutions,Soft Budget Constraint and Credible Commitments——China’s Accession to WTO and the Political Logic of the Reform of State-owned Enterprises
    TIAN Ye
    Teaching and Research    2011, (11): 6-13.  
    Abstract1295)      PDF (410KB)(1772)       Save
    The soft budget constraint is regarded as a crucial factor responsible for the low efficiency of state-owned enterprises.Due to the problem of time inconsistency,the budget constraint of SOE will not be hardened unless the government’s commitments are credible.And the government’s commitments will be more credible if it ties its own hands through delegation.As far as institutional design is concerned,the central government can delegate the authority either to the local government through decentralization,or to international organizations by internationalization.China’s accession to WTO and its positive effects on the SOE reform reflect the logic of international delegation.
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    The Institutional Choice of Regional Economic Cooperation for China:A Comparative Analysis of APEC and CAFTA
    TIAN Ye
    Teaching and Research    2008, (9): 59-65.  
    Abstract1193)      PDF (1631KB)(1765)       Save
    In accordence with Chinese policy preference,the institutional level of CAFTA is higher than that of APEC.Based on transaction costs model in the framework of comparative institutional analysis,I select six variables including sensitivity of issue area,homogeneity of states,transparency,asset specificity,frequency of transaction and uncertainty,and then compare the transaction costs of states by ordinal measurement.The paper attempts to provide a theoretical explanation for the institutional choice of regional economic cooperation for China.
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    The Level of Institutional Analysis and the Study of International Institutions
    TIAN Ye
    Teaching and Research    2007, (5): 82-87.  
    Abstract1137)      PDF (1093KB)(1694)       Save
    The theories of new institutionalism in economics and political science usually focus on a particular institutional level and take a higher institutional level as given.From the commonly accepted view about levels of international institutions,constitutive institutions are higher than regulative institutions,and general institutions are higher than specific institutions.This perspective of classifying different institutional levels sheds light on our understanding of the contestation between neoliberal institutionalism and constructivism in the study of international institutions.
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    The Study of International Institutions: From Old Institutionalism to New Institutionalism
    TIAN Ye
    Teaching and Research    2005, (3): 52-58.  
    Abstract1287)      PDF (1318KB)(2441)       Save
    The early study of international institutions had the obvious features of the formal or legal institutional analysis with the title of old institutionalism. The revolution of behavioralism and the concept of international regimes provided academic background for replacement of the new institutionalism for the old institutionalism. At least, the new institutionalism has been divided into three different types of new institutionalism: rational choice institutionalism, sociological institutionalism and historical institutionalism. As far as the basic logic of action is concerned, the rational choice institutionalism can be ascribed to the logic of expected consequences, and sociological institutionalism can be attributed to the logic of appropriateness. However, rational choice institutionalism and sociological institutionalism share the same concept of efficient histories. On the contrary, the historical institutionalists insist that histories are often inefficient and thus bring history back in their institutional approach.
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    Formal International Organizations as Governance Structure:A Perspective of New Institutional Economics
    Tian Ye
    Teaching and Research    2005, (1): 77-83.  
    Abstract1120)      PDF (2855KB)(1642)       Save
    States are likely to establish formal international organizations to reduce interstatetransaction costs both in the coordination game and in the collaboration game.Formal international organizations have stable organizational structure and administrative apparatuses,which make itpossible to carry out extensive centralized activities such as information collection,pooling,jointproduction,dispute resolution,rule making and implementation.Formal international organizations will reduce more transaction costs in international cooperation than self-enforcing agreementsby these centralized activities.
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