ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    A Solution to the “Easterly Tragedy” in Antipoverty Efforts: The “Chinese Wisdom” in Poverty Alleviation
    Sun Yongmei
    Teaching and Research    2021, 55 (5): 51-64.  
    Abstract1028)      PDF (11119KB)(498)       Save
    Hundreds of millions of poor people in the world are still struggling against hunger and poverty. Given the logical defects of the Western neoliberal theoretical system and the inherent institutional problems revealed in the antipoverty efforts of Western countries, it is difficult for these countries to fundamentally eliminate poverty. For Western countries with private ownership, there is no solution to the “Easterly tragedy”, either in theory or in reality. In contrast, with decades of efforts, China has created a world miracle in poverty alleviation: more than 800 million people have been lifted out of absolute poverty based on the current poverty standard. This provides, in theory, a solution to the “Easterly tragedy” in Western countries, abandons in practice the logical problems of neoliberalism, and shows the world the Chinese advantage and the “Chinese wisdom” in poverty alleviation. Theoretically, the “Chinese wisdom” starts from the Marxist antipoverty thoughts. Its theoretical value rests upon the guiding role of the socialist economic theory with Chinese characteristics, which has been successfully verified in the antipoverty practice. Its practical value lies in that it not only manifests the continuously improved institutional foundation of antipoverty efforts and the scientific mechanism of economic operation in socialist countries, but also advocates to the world an approach of reducing poverty through cooperation in order to build a povertyfree community with a shared future for mankind.
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