ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    The Key to Success of Ideological and Political Theory Course Lies in Teachers——Studying Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on Construction of Ideological
    Qi Pengfei
    Teaching and Research    2020, 54 (11): 5-20.  
    Abstract517)      PDF (11254KB)(166)       Save
    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the construction of ideological and political courses and reform and innovation, and the construction of ideological and political teachers, which is a fundamental issue related to the development of higher education. A series of important expositions on strengthening the construction of ideological and political teachers have been published, and a series of major decisionmaking arrangements for strengthening the construction of ideological and political teachers have been made. These expositions have organically constructed the “Ideological and Political Course Teacher Team Building Chapter” of Xi Jinping's new ideas, new thoughts, new strategies and Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New Era. Xi Jinping's important exposition on strengthening the construction of ideological and political course teachers is the guiding ideology and action for guiding the construction of ideological and political courses and building a highquality teacher team. To advance the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses, and to build a team of highquality ideological and political teachers, we must earnestly study, understand and implement the spiritual essence, scientific connotation and basic requirements of these important expositions.
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