ISSN 0257-2826  CN 11-1454/G4

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    On the Division of Historical Periods in the 90 Years of CPC History
    QI Peng-fei
    Teaching and Research    2011, (7): 5-12.  
    Abstract1116)      PDF (2874KB)(1663)       Save
    The division of development stages of CPC history has been an important but subtle and controversial issue in the research field of CPC history.Up till now no consensushas been reached among Chinese scholars conceming the major historical periods from a macro perspective and specific development stages from a micro perspective,differing mainly in evidence,criteria and the demarcation points.A case in point is the division of specific development stages in the three"thirty-year periods"during the 90 years of CPC history.Disagreement exists from the"nine-stage theory"to the "fourteen-stage theory".
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    On Development of the Discipline "Studies of Basic Issues in the Chinese Modern and Conetmporary History"
    QI Peng-fei
    Teaching and Research    2009, (2): 67-74.  
    Abstract1187)      PDF (2302KB)(1658)       Save
    "Studies of Basic Issues in the Chinese Modern and Conetmporary History",a course developed within the discipline of Marxist Theories in 2008,is at a primary stage of setting up basic academic norms and academic contruct.Its orientation and principal ideas are not yet agreed upon among scholars.Among the unsettled issues are its subject matter and scope,its contents and focus,its connotation and framework,its academic principles and discourse,its position in Marxist Theories and how it relates to the other five courses,its relation with relevant ideological and political courses and so on.All of these are hot issues that have left much room open for free discussion and further exploration.
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    Introspection on the Relation of "History of the Party" and "History of the Country"
    QI Peng-fei
    Teaching and Research    2008, (5): 70-73.  
    Abstract1136)      PDF (2014KB)(1649)       Save
    The history of the People’s Republic of China is a relatively new branch in the discipline of history.Academic research and curriculum development of this branch are now at a primary stage when basic academic regulations and discplinary structure are being established.One of the issues that has attracted the attention of researchers is the relation between the history of the Chinese Communist Party and the history of the People’s Republic of China.Much room has left open concerning issues like position of this branch in the discipline of history,the subjects of research,the scope of research,theoretical frame and methodology,research discourse,and the "boundary" between these two.
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    On the Political Development of Hong Kong in the Past Decade since the Handover
    QI Peng-fei
    Teaching and Research    2007, (6): 5-13.  
    Abstract1210)      PDF (2460KB)(1840)       Save
    Ten years has passed since the handover of Hong Kong. Remarkable progress has been achieved although the construction of a new Hong Kong under the guideline of "one country,two systems" has been severly challenged by controversial issues such as the"Article 23′ legalization of the Basic Law"and "Universal Suffrage".Guided by the central government and with the joint efforts of the Hong Kong administration and the Hong Kong people,we managed to realize the ideal of "seeking the common ground of one country,while reserving the differences of two systems".In the long course of repeated wearing between "one country" and "two systems",and between "changing" and "unchanging",Hong Kong has stood the preliminary trial of "maintaining sustainable stability and prosperity".A brighter tomorrow is close at hand and the Hong Kong model of "one country,two systems" is gradually coming of age.
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    From Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping:Historical Development in China s Policy Concerning Hong Kong
    Qi Peng-fei
    Teaching and Research    1997, (6): 5-11,64.  
    Abstract1181)      PDF (2316KB)(2218)       Save
    The historical changes in China's policy concerning Hong Kong has undergone two eras,that is,the Era of Mao Zedong and the Era of Deng Xiaoping.Mao Zedong represents the first generation of Party Leaders who,at the dawn of liberation,decided on and carried out a policy of leaving Hong Kong as it is for a relatively long period of time,and taking advantage of that situation.After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Conference Deng Xiaoping,who represents the second generation of Pary Leaders,prompted an approach of one country with two systems to the problem of Hong Kong and put it into operation.The essence of this policyis that while China remains asocialist country forever Hong Kong will maintain capitalist system for 50 years after it is returned to China,The procedure of returning Hong Kong to China is actualy the process of putting Deng Xiaoping s'scientifi cproposal into practice.
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